Small Leaved Rhododendrons
Small Leaved Rhododendrons such as cinnabarina and triflora will grow 75 - 150 cm in 10 years often with an upright habit. Their softer foliage and stunning bell shaped flowers mix well with larger rhododendrons. We have selected a range to avoid powdery mildew, but they do benefit from being planted where air circulates freely.
Featured Products
Rhododendron Cinnandrum
(H5) Deep pink flower buds opening to gorgeous light peachy pink bell-shaped flowers with a deeper yellow/ orange centre, in late May, early June. An upright shrub with a slightly open habit with dark green glossy foliage. Typical height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist free draining acid soil.
• Recommended for: Its interesting peach pink bell-shaped flowers.• Easy to grow.• Ideal...
from £21.95
Rhododendron Hammondii
Lovely dainty rosy pink tubular funnel shaped flowers (25mm) with white filaments, in a compact truss. This is a very useful late flowering variety in June which has attractive dark green narrow small leaves. It forms a super neat tidy shrub. Height 75-100cm in 10 years. Also known as 'Tenellum'.
Recommended for small gardens and mixed borders. Useful to extend the flowering season.
Easy to grow.
Rhododendron Ilam Violet
Wonderful deep violet blue flowers in compact clusters flowering in April-May. These flowers really glow on the plant! The lovely reddish young aromatic leaves turn lettuce green in summer, then bronze in winter. The plant is best in light shade. Height 80-100cm in 10 years.
Recommended for small gardens and mixed borders with great foliage
Easy to grow
Ideal position: most garden situations but...
from £19.95
Rhododendron Apricot Belle
(H5) Another interesting hybrid raised by the late Ted Millais who succeeded in breeding this R. cinnabarinum xanthocodon hybrid which is resistant to the powdery mildew and is hardier than previous clones. The buds are a deep apricot colour, opening to attractive creamy bell shaped flowers in May. Interesting glaucous foliage on a bushy plant about 75-100cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Its interesting...
Rhododendron Barnaby Sunset
Pretty pale yellow flowers in April. This plant has an upright habit with small oval deep green glossy foliage. Height 100-125cm in 10 years.
Recommended for small gardens and mixed borders.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: most garden situations, needs good drainage.
Habit: upright.
Group: Rhododendron hybrid.
Parentage: unknown.
Hybridization date: unknown (pre 1994).
Rhododendron Blue Pool
Wonderful funnel-shaped light lavender blue flowers in April - May. This plant has attractive lettuce green leaves in the summer. A slow-growing, dense and compact mounded bush. Height 80-100cm in 10 years, but getting larger in time.
Recommended for front of borders, small gardens and raised beds.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: most garden situations but avoid too much heat.
Habit: dense and...
Rhododendron Cilpinense AGM
Comparatively large (45 to 50mm) pale pink bell type flowers that open to white with darker anthers. This is a very pretty plant with lovely small glossy green leaves. One of our favourites that is free flowering in February-March, when all the foliage is smothered by flower. Height 50-75cm in 10 years.
Recommended for small gardens and mixed borders. One of the earlier flowers.
Easy to grow.
Rhododendron Cinnandrum
(H5) Deep pink flower buds opening to gorgeous light peachy pink bell-shaped flowers with a deeper yellow/ orange centre, in late May, early June. An upright shrub with a slightly open habit with dark green glossy foliage. Typical height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist free draining acid soil.
• Recommended for: Its interesting peach pink bell-shaped flowers.• Easy to grow.• Ideal...
Rhododendron Dora Amateis AGM
Very pale pink buds open to beautiful pure white flowers with pink markings. This is a very free flowering plant in April. It is a compact grower with small palish green leaves that turn bronze if grown in sun, growing wider than tall. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. This tough plant is very adaptable, performing well in both shade and sun, but the flowers will last longer if slightly shaded.
Rhododendron Hammondii
Lovely dainty rosy pink tubular funnel shaped flowers (25mm) with white filaments, in a compact truss. This is a very useful late flowering variety in June which has attractive dark green narrow small leaves. It forms a super neat tidy shrub. Height 75-100cm in 10 years. Also known as 'Tenellum'.
Recommended for small gardens and mixed borders. Useful to extend the flowering season.
Easy to grow.
Rhododendron Ilam Violet
Wonderful deep violet blue flowers in compact clusters flowering in April-May. These flowers really glow on the plant! The lovely reddish young aromatic leaves turn lettuce green in summer, then bronze in winter. The plant is best in light shade. Height 80-100cm in 10 years.
Recommended for small gardens and mixed borders with great foliage
Easy to grow
Ideal position: most garden situations but...
Rhododendron lutescens
(TRIFLORA H3-4) Small bright yellow flowers with green spots. February - April. A willowy upright shrub with beautiful red new growth. Sichuan. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.
Recommended for its superb early yellow flowers.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: sheltered, dappled shade.
Habit: upright.
Group: Small Leaved Rhododendron.
Subsection: Triflora.
Introduction date: pre 1950 (1904).
Rhododendron lutescens Exbury clone
Selected clone of lutescens with larger deep primrose yellow flowers from February to April. This is an upright shrub with beautiful reddish bronze young growth. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.
Recommended for its superb early yellow flowers.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: sheltered, dappled shade.
Habit: upright.
Group: Small Leaved Rhododendron.
Subsection: Triflora.
Introduction date: pre...
Rhododendron Mulroy Cream
Beautiful rich cream flowers appear in April on a plant with a neat bushy habit reaching a height of 125-150cm in 10 years.This is an unusual and beautiful plant found by good friend John Gault, a Northern Ireland Rhododendron enthusiast, in Lady Leitrim's garden at Mulroy Bay. Nobody has been able to identify it with a registered name, and so we have called it Mulroy Cream in recognition of its provenance;...
Rhododendron oreotrephes 'Pentland' AGM
Wonderful clone with deep mauve flowers with a paler centre in April-May. A very desirable species with beautiful sea-green foliage which is highly recommended. This selection was obtained from the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh by Peter Cox and introduced in 1990. R. oreotrephes Pentland has a tidy upright habit. Height 75-100cm in 10 years.
Recommended for wonderful foliage.
Easy to grow.
Rhododendron Praecox AGM
Early rosy lilac flowers liven up the garden during February - March. A lovely historic plant with dark green shiny leaves and an upright habit. Height 80-100cm in 10 years.Flower buds open well if cut and brought inside for indoor decoration.A tough plant with flowers which can tolerate a few degrees of frost, so it's well worth a place within the garden, but find some shelter for best flowering....
Rhododendron rigidum album
Excellent white flowering form with red spotting that always attracts attention when in flower during April and May. Nicely scented with outstanding glaucous blue foliage. Height 120cm in 10 years.
Recommended for fabulous white scented flower and great foliage.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: sheltered, dappled shade.
Habit: upright.
Group: Small Leaved Rhododendron.
Subsection: Triflora.
Rhododendron trichanthum 'Honey Wood'
This excellent selection has striking deep purple flowers with green mottling, paler in the throat, and reddish purple on the outside. Flowering in June this is a bushy plant with interesting small hairy leaves and stems. This selection was grown by J.B. Stevenson and introduced by A.E. Hardy in 1969. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.
Recommended for lovely late flower to extend the season.
Easy to...