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Acer davidii 'Viper' (mindavi)Acer davidii 'Viper' (mindavi)
Acer davidii 'Viper' (mindavi)
(H5) (Snakebark Maple) A deciduous, upright form with white and green stained bark. Dark green foliage turns orange in autum. Clusters of flowers in spring followed by winged fruits that ripen to red-brown. Requires full sun/semi shade, sheltered position. Height 400-600cm in 10 years. Requires moist, well drained acid soil.
Acer griseum  AGM
Acer griseum AGM
The 12 litre trees sit at approximaltey 200-220cm not including the pot. They will come via Parcel Force on a 48 hour delivery due to height or they can be collected directly from the nursery. 'Paperbark Maple'. A beautiful small tree with trifoliolate leaves turning gorgeous red and scarlet colours in autumn. Older bark flakes and peels to reveal cinnamon coloured under bark onstems. Height 3-4 metres...
from £46.95

Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
(H6) Deep purple leaves divided into about 7 lobes, and becoming red in autumn, on a small tree of bushy habit. Inconspicuous red-purple flowers in spring may be followed by winged, purple fruits. Best planted in a sheltered position.
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Acer palmatum 'Bi-Hoo'
New leaves have tints of pink as they emerge in spring, then green summer leaves turn gold to red in autumn. Handsome yellow and orange winter stems. Best in sun or light shade. Forms a small tree or large shrub 2-4 m tall in 10 years. With the colourful winter stems, Acer palmatum 'Bi-hoo' is an eye-catching plant all year and grows to be a large shrub or very small tree in time. It is best in...
from £34.95

Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'  AGM
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' AGM
A strong growing, upright tree, with rich purple, palmate foliage which maintains its colour well all season. Bright red autumn colour. Expected height is 200cm in 10 years.
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Acer palmatum 'Dissectum'
(H5) Beautiful cut-leaf feathery mid green leaves, turning gold and orange in autumn. Rounded compact habit, perfect for small gardens, containers and courtyards. Takes sun or shade. Height 1.5-2.0m in 10 years. Best sheltered from cold winds.

Acer palmatum 'Emerald Lace'  AGMAcer palmatum 'Emerald Lace'  AGM
Acer palmatum 'Emerald Lace' AGM
Fine lacy yellow-green leaves in spring on weeping pendulous branches. Deepens to rich emerald green foliage in summer, followed by bright burgundy red colours in autumn. Height approximately 2-4 metres in 10 years.
from £34.95
Acer palmatum 'Extravaganza'Acer palmatum 'Extravaganza'
Acer palmatum 'Extravaganza'
(H5) A lovely compact form of acer! Each spring new foligae emerges a bright pinkish red before taking on a softer hue when hints of green and cream become more apparent. As the leaves age they turn a rich green with irregular creamy streaks, and then in the autumn they change once again, taking on fiery red tones to reveal ornamental reddish-green stems. Extravaganza was bred by Dutch plant growers...

Acer palmatum 'Going Green'Acer palmatum 'Going Green'
Acer palmatum 'Going Green'
(H6) Lime green leaves in spring, maturing to bright green, then turning orange and red in autumn. Green bark adds winter colour. Requires moist well drained soil in partial shade, although full sun can be tolerated if soil is reliably moist. Height 400-800cm in 10 years
from £34.95
Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'  AGM
Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream' AGM
Large slender upright shrub with bright orange yellow foliage in the spring. Similar to Katsura, but with intense long lasting spring colour. Autumn colour of bright yellow gold. Expected height is 200cm in 10 years.
from £34.95

Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki'  AGM
Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' AGM
Large seven lobed green leaves in spring and summer, developing into intense fiery scarlet-orange autumn colour, which lasts for 2-3 weeks in a good season. Considered one of the best Japanese maples for autumn display, especially when seen against a darker background. Expected height is 200cm in 10 years.
Acer palmatum 'Shirazz'
Acer palmatum 'Shirazz'
Synonyms: Acer palmatum ‘Gwen’s Rose Delight’(P/v) & Acer palmatum ‘Shirazz Dream’(H6) An eye-catching variegated acer. Deeply lobed, palmate leaves, of reddish purple with bright reddish pink margins in the spring, turning to olive green with irregular cream or pink margins in summer before becoming orange-red in autumn. An acer with an upright, spreading habit, arching...

Acer palmatum 'Skeeters Broom'
Acer palmatum 'Skeeters Broom'
Maroon red leaves on a compact upright plant, turning bright red in autumn. Ideal for small gardens. Upright habit. Expected height 150 - 175cm in 10 years.
Acer palmatum 'Trompenburg'  AGMAcer palmatum 'Trompenburg'  AGM
Acer palmatum 'Trompenburg' AGM
Deep purple foliage which curls downwards at the edges. Will take full sun without burning. Foliage slowly turns deep reddish green, and then a rich crimson in the autumn. A strong, fast growing small tree with an open habit. Named after the beautiful Trompenburg arboretum in Rotterdam. Expected height is 200cm in 10 years.

Acer palmatum 'Wilson's Pink Dwarf'Acer palmatum 'Wilson's Pink Dwarf'
Acer palmatum 'Wilson's Pink Dwarf'
(H6) New leaves emerge bright pink in spring, maturing to bright green in summer and turning red, orange and yellow in autumn. A smaller finely branched shrub. Grow in moisture-retentive, well-drained soil in a sheltered position, ideally in light shade. Height 75-100cm in 10 years
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Acer palmatum dissectum 'Atropurpureum'
'Red lace-leaved maple'. The leaves are a good red tone in spring, greening in summer and turning coppery in the autumn. Finely divided foliage on cascading branches. Always pendulous in habit, with an umbrella like canopy, it can be almost prostrate if not staked when young. Best planted in a sheltered position.

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Garnet'  AGM
Acer palmatum dissectum 'Garnet' AGM
Red dissected leaves which hold their colour well through the summer. The best leaf colour occurs in a sunny location. Weeping habit, vigorous when young, which forming a mound shaped plant about 3 metres high at maturity. Red autumn colour.
from £34.95
Acer palmatum dissectum 'Inaba-shidare'  AGM STANDARDAcer palmatum dissectum 'Inaba-shidare'  AGM STANDARD
Acer palmatum dissectum 'Inaba-shidare' AGM STANDARD
Dissected green to red foliage with a weeping habit. Colour lasts well during the summer. This small tree has an open, light and airy appearance. Brilliant crimson autumn colour. These Standards have a clean stem of about 50cm and have been top-work grafted at that height. Standards will always require staking with a good tree-tie to prevent wind damage. Any shoots developing on the stem or from...

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama'Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama'
Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama'
New foliage is deep crimson red, changing to very dark purple red. It holds its leaf colour well but will burn slightly in full sun. Bright scarlet autumn colour. Classic weeping habit. Expected height is 150cm in 10 years.
Acer shirasawanum 'Jordan'
Acer shirasawanum 'Jordan'
New leaves appear a lovely pastel orange, turning to bright creamy yellow in summer, with red seeds that push up above the leaves. Provides a good splash of colour in the garden or containers. Hardy, with good sun tolerance. Height 200-400cm in 10 years. Best in well drained acid soil.
from £34.95

Amazing Evergreen Azalea Collection  (4 choice plants)
Special Offer
Amazing Evergreen Azalea Collection (4 choice plants)
Picture for illustration only This is a lovely collection of 4 Evergreen Azaleas that are suitable for containers and most garden situations. We have chosen a great selection of easy to grow plants in beautiful colours. Geisha Orange: Wonderful bright reddish orange flowers around 25mm across. Flowering in late April. Height 40-60cm in 10 years Hino Crimson AGM: This popular plant has small bright...
Was £63.80 Now £40.00
Arachnoides aristata Variegata
Arachnoides aristata Variegata
East Indian holly fern(H3) An interesting evergreen fern, native to East India, with a green frond with a distinct lime green/yellow mid rift. Though classed as being hardy they may require some additional winter protection in colder areas with the help of a heavy mulch to protect the roots. Overwinter potted plants in an unheated greenhouse, or provide a deep, insulating much around their base to...

Asplenium scolopendrium Angustifolium (Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern)Asplenium scolopendrium Angustifolium (Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern)
Asplenium scolopendrium Angustifolium (Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern)
(H5) Evergreen 'Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern' with upright arching bright green frounds that carry distinctive ruffled margins, to provide textural interest to a shaded part of the garden. Likes moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade.
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Red Beauty'
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Red Beauty'
(H5) A decidious clump forming fern with green lacy fronds, that as they mature, develop a silvery grey colouring, and a contrasting burgundy-red flush to the midribs and stems. Requires full/partial shade in a East, West or North facing poistion. Moist well drained Neutral or Acid soil. 0.5m high and 1m wide in 10 years

Athyrium otophorum var 'Okanum' AGM
Athyrium otophorum var 'Okanum' AGM
Also known as the Eared Lady Fern (H4) Broad, arching bipinnate leaves are a light yellow-green colour with contrasting dark purple-red stalks and midribs. A deciduous, clump-forming fern with a bushy habit. Requires a sheltered North or East facing position in partial shade. Moist well drained neutral or acid soil. 1m high and 0.5m wide in 10 years.
from £9.95
Azaleodendron Ria HardijzerAzaleodendron Ria Hardijzer
Azaleodendron Ria Hardijzer
Lovely small (20mm) vivid purplish red flowers with faint spots in a compact truss of 19 to 25. This is an unusual hybrid between a rhododendron and an evergreen azalea, but it has more of an appearance and habit of an evergreen azalea, though it can look a little sparse in winter. It is worth pruning hard after flowering to keep the plant looking nice and bushy. It is hardy, but dislikes too much...

Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro'
Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro'
(H7) Deep red flower in long spikes in summer and autumn. Dark green, scale-like foliage on a spreading evergreen shrub. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well drained acidic soil. 45cm x 60cm in 5 years. Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
Camellia hiemalis 'Chansonette'
Camellia hiemalis 'Chansonette'
(H5) Strong, brilliant pink, double flowers in Autumn/Winter. Fast growing, open and spreading evergreen shrub. Width 175-200cm in 10 years, around 100cm in height.

Camellia japonica 'Adolphe Audusson'  AGM
Camellia japonica 'Adolphe Audusson' AGM
(H4) Beautiful large red semi-double flowers in March-April. Tough reliable flowering in mid-season. Good glossy foliage on a plant of open upright habit. Height 150cm in 10 years. M. Adolphe Audusson, France, 1910
Camellia japonica 'Black Magic'Camellia japonica 'Black Magic'
Camellia japonica 'Black Magic'
Image owned and supplied by Jeremy Wilson, Strete Gate Camellias (H5) Glossy deep red flowers, which vary from semi-double to a rose-form double. with wavy petals in Spring. One of the red Camellia varieties noted for the darkness of the flowers, which can be almost black in appearance. However, when grown in the UK, the flower colour is not as intense as it appears to be in warmer climates. Glossy...

Camellia japonica 'Dr King'
Camellia japonica 'Dr King'
(H5) Large semi double rosy red flowers with prominent yellow stamens in the centre. Long flowering in Spring. Strong growing upright habit with dark green glossy leaves. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Best in moist acid soils.
from £29.95
Camellia japonica 'Golden Anniversary'
Camellia japonica 'Golden Anniversary'
A rare and stunning formal creamy white double camellia with a deeper centre. Best in light shade, and suitable for container growing. The perfect Golden Anniversary gift! Height 125-150cm in 10 years.

Camellia japonica 'Guilio Nuccio'  AGM
Camellia japonica 'Guilio Nuccio' AGM
Very large (up to 15cm) semi-double, rich deep coral pink flowers, April. Very floriferous; the blooms are smaller on small plants, but as the plant matures the wonderful velvety flowers become outstandingly lush and large. Vigorous upright habit, with weeping foliage. Winner of many international awards, and considered by many as one of the finest forms of Camellia japonicas raised. Height 140-150cm...
Camellia japonica 'Lady Campbell'
Camellia japonica 'Lady Campbell'
(H5) Double, rose-form red flowers to 10cm across in Spring. A vigorous, compact and upright, bushy shrub of medium size. Best grown in partial or dappled shade, in a sheltered position away from morning and hot afternoon sun and damaging strong/cold winds. Height 125-150cm in 10 years

Camellia japonica 'Moshe Dayan'
Camellia japonica 'Moshe Dayan'
(H5) Creamy white double flowers with yellow stamens flowering in March, and contrasting with deep glossy foliage on a bushy upright growing plant. Grows in sun or light shade. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Best in moist acid soils.
Camellia japonica 'Saturnia'
Camellia japonica 'Saturnia'
(H5) Magnificient deep red flowers early spring, March-April. Semi double flowers with a few paler stamens and petaloids. This japonica variety is tough with deep green glossy leaves, with an open, upright habit. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Best in moist acid soils, in a sunny or lightly shaded position. Also good in containers . Magnolia Gardens, South Carolina, USA, 1942.
from £29.95

Camellia japonica 'Splendens Carlyon'
Camellia japonica 'Splendens Carlyon'
(H5) Deep pink, large semi-double flowers in Spring. Bushy, upright habit. Height 150-175cm in 10 years
from £29.95
Camellia japonica 'Swan Lake'
Camellia japonica 'Swan Lake'
White semi double peony type flowers in March/April. Vigorous, compact upright plant with dark green glossy foliage. Needs shelter and part shade, avoid east facing locations. Height 150cm in 10 years.

Camellia japonica 'Volunteer'
Camellia japonica 'Volunteer'
(H5) Strawberry pink anemone shaped flowers 8cm across, 4cm deep, edged white. A large flowered japonica hybrid, early to late in season. Slow growing with upright bushy habit, ideal for the smaller garden, either in pots or soil. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid compost. Raised by specialist breeder Mark Jury, New Zealand 2003
Camellia japonica R.L. Wheeler AGM
Camellia japonica R.L. Wheeler AGM
(H5) Rose-pink, large, semi-double to peony form flowers, up to 15cm across. Outer petals are broad, surrounding a centre that is quite tightly packed. Upright bush, May flowering. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid soils.

Camellia x williamsii 'Les Jury'  AGM
Camellia x williamsii 'Les Jury' AGM
Formal rose form shapely blooms of deep crimson red. Flowers over a long period in April. Upright, vigorous, bushy habit. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Les Jury, New Zeland, 1992. A seedling from C. xwilliamsii 'Rendezvous'
Camellia x williamsii 'Ruby Wedding'  AGM
Camellia x williamsii 'Ruby Wedding' AGM
Image supplied and owened by J.Wilson (Strete Gate Camellias) (H5) 'Ruby Wedding' is a dense, evergreen shrub,with glossy, dark green, elliptic leaves and in spring, bright red, anemone to peony-form, double flowers. Vigorous, upright bush. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Suitable for woodland and acidic soils. Position in a site sheltered from cold, dry winds and early morning sun as buds and flowers...
from £29.95

Campanula persicifolia alba
Campanula persicifolia alba
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H7) Loose spires of large, cup-shaped, white flowers appear on slender stems in early and mid-summer. A rosette forming perennial with narrow mid green toothed leaves. It's an ideal plant for the back of a mixed or herbaceous border, especially in partial shade. Prefers moist well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 100cm high x 50cm wide...
Compact Rhodo Collection (4 x 3 litre plants)
Special Offer
Compact Rhodo Collection (4 x 3 litre plants)
Picture for example only. Please see descriptions below. This is a lovely collection of 4 compact growing Rhododendrons that compliment each other and are suitable for containers, smaller gardens or for the front of a border. They are all tough and hardy plants that will grow well throughout the UK.We grow these plants in 3L pots and we normally sell them for £18.95 each. They are 20-30cm tall...
Was £75.80 Now £60.00

Compact Rhododendron Foliage Collection (4 x 3 litre plants)
Special Offer
Compact Rhododendron Foliage Collection (4 x 3 litre plants)
Picture for example only. Please see descriptions below. This is a lovely collection of 4 compact growing Rhododendrons each one has been selected for its interesting foliage, giving you the customer more than one season of interest. Once the plants have flowered, they will start to produce new shoots, most have wonderful indumentum (fluff) on the lower surface of the leaves and tomentum on the upper...
Was £75.80 Now £60.00
Cornus florida Cherokee Brave
Cornus florida Cherokee Brave
A free flowering dogwood with pink bracts, and pale pink or white centre. Each flower head has 4 conspicuous petal like bracts in May. Originating from North America, Cherokee Brave is choice clone which forms a small bushy tree or a large shrub, with rich autumn colours. Dogwoods always look good planted near water, and will grow on most garden soils, but poor shallow chalk soils are best avoided....

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Cornus kousa 'Big Apple'
Large white flowering bracts in June, followed by extremely large red edible fruits in the autumn. Dark green leathery and heavily textured leaves on a large spreading tree. Height 2-4m in 10 years. Best in full sun or partial shade.
Cornus kousa 'China Girl' AGM
Cornus kousa 'China Girl' AGM
The 12 litre plants sit at approximaltey 160-175cm not including the pot. They will come via Parcel Force on a 48 hour delivery due to their height or they can be collected directly from the nursery. A choice strong growing 'dogwood', with a profusion of lovely white flower bracts in June. Excellent autumn colours. Best in full sun. Height 2 - 4 metres in 10 years. Grow in acid or neutral soils.
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