
We stock a small range of ferns. Perfect as understory companion planting for Rhododendrons and Azaleas. Ferns can add interesting foliage and texture to any planting scheme, they can be very versatile putting up with some of the more awkward gaps in the garden such as cooler, shadier, sheltered spots of East and North facing borders. Ferns do like to be kept moist but like Rhododendrons do not like to have their roots sat in water for long periods. If planted in a sunnier spot, we do recommend keeping them well watered in the summer months and a good mulch to help retain moisture. Most ferns are semi evergreen, but we do also stock one or two evergreen varieties.
Arachnoides aristata Variegata
East Indian holly fern(H3) An interesting evergreen fern, native to East India, with a green frond with a distinct lime green/yellow mid rift. Though classed as being hardy they may require some additional winter protection in colder areas with the help of a heavy mulch to protect the roots. Overwinter potted plants in an unheated greenhouse, or provide a deep, insulating much around their base to...
Asplenium scolopendrium Angustifolium (Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern)
(H5) Evergreen 'Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern' with upright arching bright green frounds that carry distinctive ruffled margins, to provide textural interest to a shaded part of the garden. Likes moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade.
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Red Beauty'
(H5) A decidious clump forming fern with green lacy fronds, that as they mature, develop a silvery grey colouring, and a contrasting burgundy-red flush to the midribs and stems. Requires full/partial shade in a East, West or North facing poistion. Moist well drained Neutral or Acid soil. 0.5m high and 1m wide in 10 years
Athyrium otophorum var 'Okanum' AGM
Also known as the Eared Lady Fern
(H4) Broad, arching bipinnate leaves are a light yellow-green colour with contrasting dark purple-red stalks and midribs. A deciduous, clump-forming fern with a bushy habit. Requires a sheltered North or East facing position in partial shade. Moist well drained neutral or acid soil. 1m high and 0.5m wide in 10 years.
Dryopteris affnis 'Cristata The King'
(H5) Dryopteris affnis 'Cristata The King'. Other Common names: King Of Male Ferns, King Of The Ferns, King Of British Ferns
'Cristata The King' is one of the largest and most accommodating crested ferns it is possible to grow. A robust, nearly evergreen fern to 1.2m tall. The young fronds unfurl a golden green with rosettes of erect to arching bipinnate fronds, handsomely crested at the tips of...
Dryopteris affnis 'Pinderi'
(H5) A large, upright, clump forming semi-evergreen fern. Narrow, lance-shaped fronds, which can grow to 80 cm long, with golden scales along the midrib. Yellow-green foliage when young, turning deep green with age. In mild winters it will stay green, but in cold, exposed positions it's more likely to be deciduous. Prefers partial or full shade in moist but well-drained soil. 100cm high x 100cm wide...
Dryopteris dilatata 'Crispa Whiteside' AGM
Also known as Dryopteris dilatata 'Crispa' hort. Dryopteris affinis 'Crispa Whiteside'
(H6) A partially evergreen fern of bushy habit, with triangular-ovate, tripinnate fronds, the segments toothed and attractively crisped. Requires a sheltered East, West, North or South facing position in full or partial shade. Moist acid, alkaline or neutral well drained or poorly drained soil . 1m high and 0.5m...
Dryopteris erythrosora AGM
(H4) Dryopteris erythrosora AGM. Other common name: Japanese Shield Fern
A semi-evergreen fern, forming a compact clump of broadly ovate, bipinnatifid fronds, often coppery-pink when young slowly mature to dark green. Spore-heaps are also often pink.
Easy to grow in most cool, moist, lightly shaded sites and will grow in full sun if given plenty of moisture. Tolerant of dry shade but water regularly...
Dryopteris sieboldii AGM
Other common names: Asian wood fern
(H6) An upright evergreen fern with arching pinnate fronds and broad leathery dark green pinnae which are paler at the central vein. Requires a sheltered position in full shade or partial shade and moist well drained soil. 50cm high x 50cm wide in 5 years.
Dryoptheris erythrosora ‘Prolifica’
(H4) Dryoptheris erythrosora ‘Prolifica’. Other common name: Prolific Copper Shield Fern
An evergreen bushy fern forming a neat tuft of light green, rathery leathery, bipinnate fronds,, often pink-tinged when young, slowly turning green.
Easy to grow in most cool, moist, lightly shaded sites and will grow in full sun if given plenty of moisture. Tolerant of dry shade but water regularly...
Dryoptheris filix-mas 'Linearis Polydactylon' AGM
(H7) Dryoptheris filix-mas ‘Linearis Polydactylon’ AGM. Other common name: male fern 'Linearis Polydactyla'
A deciduous, bushy fern, forming large, shuttlecock-like clumps of erect to arching fronds. A male fern with mid-green fronds that have an airy, skeletal-like appearance as the pinnae are very narrow and widely-spaced; the tips of the pinnae and fronds are multi-forked. Although...
Polystichum Proliferum Wollastonii
(H6) A striking clump forming evergreen fern, has an arching habit, soft green, broadly triangular fronds with overlapping pinnae. 100cm High x 50cm wide in 10 years. Likes moist but well drained soil in full or partial shade.
Polystichum tsussimense AGM (Korean Rock Fern)
(H6) Also known as the Korean rock fern. A small evergreen variety which forms neat rosettes of erect, narrowly lance-shaped dark green fronds. 50cm High x 50cm wide in 10 years. Likes moist but well drained soil in full or partial shade.