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Hydrangea macrophylla Maresii
(H5) Wide, flat flowerheads of rosy pink (alkali) or rich blue (acid) fertile flowers, surrounded by large lighter coloured ray florets, through the summer. A bushy deciduous shrub with wide, dark green, serrated edge, oval shaped leaves. Prefers a sheltered position with moist but well-drained soil 100-150cm in 10 years.
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Hydrangea paniculata Silver Dollar AGM
(H5) Elegant panicles of white flowers, turning light pink later in the season. These look good set against the dark upright stems. Fast growing, but neat compact habit. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Best in moist sunny positions. Bred and selected by Dutch plantsman Peter Zwijnenburg at the turn of the century, For large panicles, the laterals should be pruned back to within 5-8cm of the previous...