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Here at Millais Nurseries, we like to keep our range of rhododendrons and azaleas as fresh and as interesting as possible. We do this by carefully selecting and trialling certain new plant introductions from the rhododendron world’s top breeders, including our own hybridisation program. We also source and grow a selection of varieties that may have been around for a few years but are new to our nursery and collection.

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Heuchera 'Shanghai'
Heuchera 'Shanghai'
(H6) A compact perennial, with silver-purple evergreen foliage, topped by panicles of small pale pink-white flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.
Campanula persicifolia
Campanula persicifolia
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H7) Loose spires of large, cup-shaped, lavender flowers appear on slender stems in early and mid-summer. A rosette forming perennial with narrow mid green toothed leaves. It's an ideal plant for the back of a mixed or herbaceous border, especially in partial shade. Prefers moist well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 100cm high x 50cm...

Campanula persicifolia alba
Campanula persicifolia alba
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H7) Loose spires of large, cup-shaped, white flowers appear on slender stems in early and mid-summer. A rosette forming perennial with narrow mid green toothed leaves. It's an ideal plant for the back of a mixed or herbaceous border, especially in partial shade. Prefers moist well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 100cm high x 50cm wide...
Carex Ice DanceCarex Ice Dance
Carex Ice Dance
sedge 'Ice Dance'(H6) A low, slow spreading, mound forming evergreen grass. Green glossy leaves have a creamy white margin and stems. Inconspicuous pale brown flower spikes in late spring. Prefers moist well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.

Helleborus 'Tutu'
Helleborus 'Tutu'
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited hellebore ‘Tutu’(H7) A clump-forming, semi-evergreen herbaceous perennial with glossy, leathery leaves Pale pink, double anemone centred flowers, speckled with dark pink-red from late winter to spring. Likes moist but well-drained soil in partial shade. 50cm high x 50cm wide in 5 years.
Heuchera 'Blackberry Jam' AGM
Heuchera 'Blackberry Jam' AGM
(H6) A clump-forming perennial. Glossy, bold foliage in shades of rich purple and maroon with dark veining, topped by upright panicles of small white bell flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.

Heuchera 'Huckleberry'
Heuchera 'Huckleberry'
(H6) A clump-forming perennial. Silver foliage, which turns pink during autumn, with dark purple undersides, topped by upright short stems of small pale pink flowers that fade to white once opened in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.
Heuchera 'Mulberry'Heuchera 'Mulberry'
Heuchera 'Mulberry'
2nd Image supplied and owend by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H5) An evergreen to semi-evergreen compact, mound forming variety of Heuchera. Bright mulberry coloured foliage with dark purple veins topped by upright stems of small bell-shaped white flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.

Heuchera 'Obsidian' AGM
Heuchera 'Obsidian' AGM
(H6) A compact, mound forming perennial. Glossy purple/black foliage topped by upright dark reddish stems with small creamy flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.
Heuchera 'Silver Gumdrop'
Heuchera 'Silver Gumdrop'
(H6) An evergreen compact, clump forming variety of Heuchera. Purple and silver foliage topped by upright stems of small bell shaped pink flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained or moist well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.

Hydrangea macrophylla Maresii
Hydrangea macrophylla Maresii
(H5) Wide, flat flowerheads of rosy pink (alkali) or rich blue (acid) fertile flowers, surrounded by large lighter coloured ray florets, through the summer. A bushy deciduous shrub with wide, dark green, serrated edge, oval shaped leaves. Prefers a sheltered position with moist but well-drained soil 100-150cm in 10 years.
Penstemon 'Alice Hindley'
Penstemon 'Alice Hindley'
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H4) An upright semi-evergreen perennial. Racemes of mauve/lilac-pink tubular bell-shaped flowers with a white centre in summer. Prefers a well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 100cm high x 50cm wide in 5 years.

Penstemon 'Snowstorm' (White Bedder)
Penstemon 'Snowstorm' (White Bedder)
Image owned and supplied by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H3) An upright semi-evergreen perennial, with dark green leaves. Tubular funnel-shaped white flowers through the summer. Likes a well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 100cm high x 50cm wide in 5 years.
Penstemon Midnight
Penstemon Midnight
Image supplied and owened by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H4) A clump forming semi-evergreen perennial, with dark green leaves. Upright tubular dark purple blue flowers with a white throat heavily flushed pink through the summer. Likes well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 90cm high x 45cm wide in 5 years.

Penstemon pinifolius Wisley Flame AGM
Penstemon pinifolius Wisley Flame AGM
pine-leaved penstemon 'Wisley Flame'(H4) Bright red-orange, tubular flowers to 2.5cm long in summer. A compact semi-evergreen shrub of spreading habit, with small linear, pine like foliage. Prefers well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 2 years.
Penstemon Sour Grapes
Penstemon Sour Grapes
image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H4) An upright semi-evergreen perennial, with glossy dark green leaves. Dense panicles of tubular, two-lipped flowers blending purple and blue shades, whitish within the throat, June-August. Likes a well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 60cm high x 50cm wide in 3-5 years.

Sisyrinchium Moody Blues
Sisyrinchium Moody Blues
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H4) A compact, clump forming semi-evergreen perennial with sword-shaped, grass-like, leaves. In the summer masses of large, brilliant violet blue flowers are displayed on upright stems. Likes full sun, in a sheltered south or west facing position. 40cm high x 35cm wide in 5 years.
Veronica 'Georgia Blue' AGM
Veronica 'Georgia Blue' AGM
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H5) A vigorous mat forming, semi-evergreen perennial. Lance shaped leaves and saucer shaped deep blue flowers with small white eyes over a long period from March - August. Likes a sheltered position in full sun and moist but well-drained soil. 10cm high x 100cm wide in 5 years.

Jasminum nudiflorum AGMJasminum nudiflorum AGM
Jasminum nudiflorum AGM
(H5) A deciduous shrub with long, arching branches. Small green leaves from the spring and bright yellow flowers to 2.5cm in width in winter and spring. Like a sheltered position, with good well-drained soil, in full sun or partial shade. 200-250cm high and wide in 10 years.
Luzula niveaLuzula nivea
Luzula nivea
2nd image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Ltd (H5) A slowly spreading evergreen grass. Narrow dark green leaves to 30cm long and clusters of small white flowers in early and mid-summer on stems to 60cm tall. 100cm High x 50cm Wide after 5 years, prefers moist well-drained soil in full shade or partial shade.

Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire'Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire'
Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire'
(H5) A dense, upright evergreen perennial grass with narrow olive-green tipped which turns orange red at the tips in the sun. It carries brown flower spikes in the summer and in the autumn the foliage turns darker orange. A great grass offering interest and colour throughout the year. 50cm High x 50cm Wide after 5 years, prefers moist well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade.
Polystichum Proliferum WollastoniiPolystichum Proliferum Wollastonii
Polystichum Proliferum Wollastonii
(H6) A striking clump forming evergreen fern, has an arching habit, soft green, broadly triangular fronds with overlapping pinnae. 100cm High x 50cm wide in 10 years. Likes moist but well drained soil in full or partial shade.

Polystichum tsussimense AGM  (Korean Rock Fern)Polystichum tsussimense AGM  (Korean Rock Fern)
Polystichum tsussimense AGM (Korean Rock Fern)
(H6) Also known as the Korean rock fern. A small evergreen variety which forms neat rosettes of erect, narrowly lance-shaped dark green fronds. 50cm High x 50cm wide in 10 years. Likes moist but well drained soil in full or partial shade.
Asplenium scolopendrium Angustifolium (Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern)Asplenium scolopendrium Angustifolium (Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern)
Asplenium scolopendrium Angustifolium (Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern)
(H5) Evergreen 'Narrow Hart's Tongue Fern' with upright arching bright green frounds that carry distinctive ruffled margins, to provide textural interest to a shaded part of the garden. Likes moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade.

Dryopteris sieboldii AGMDryopteris sieboldii AGM
Dryopteris sieboldii AGM
Other common names: Asian wood fern (H6) An upright evergreen fern with arching pinnate fronds and broad leathery dark green pinnae which are paler at the central vein. Requires a sheltered position in full shade or partial shade and moist well drained soil. 50cm high x 50cm wide in 5 years.
Rhododendron White GoldRhododendron White Gold
Rhododendron White Gold
(H7) Large almost pure white flowers, with a lime/yellow flare in the upper lobe and a wavey edge, form a large domed truss opening in early May. Each truss is made up off 10 individual flowers.Mid green leaves on a semi open habit can give this plant the appearance of being a small tree from a distance. Height 175-200cm in 10 years. • Recommended for: woodland gardens to brighten the space.•...

Rhododendron Cinnandrum
Rhododendron Cinnandrum
(H5) Deep pink flower buds opening to gorgeous light peachy pink bell-shaped flowers with a deeper yellow/ orange centre, in late May, early June. An upright shrub with a slightly open habit with dark green glossy foliage. Typical height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist free draining acid soil. • Recommended for: Its interesting peach pink bell-shaped flowers.• Easy to grow.• Ideal...
from £21.95
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Rhododendron Logan Surprise
(H3-4) A wonderful selection of Rhododendron edgeworthii by Richard Baines at Logan Botanic Garden in Scotland. This form of edgeworthii has scented white bell-shaped flowers with vibrant pink edges and stripes down the back and a yellow blotch at the base, which do fade to pure white. Usually flowering late April into early May.Thick rugged looking leaves that have a light covering of hairs on the...

Erica x darleyensis 'Pink Harmony'Erica x darleyensis 'Pink Harmony'
Erica x darleyensis 'Pink Harmony'
(H5) Masses of upright spikes of small, vivid pink flowers with protruding black anthers appear from mid-winter to late spring, over mid-green foliage that is bright green when young. Height and spread 40cm x 40cm in 2-5 years. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well-drained acidic soil. Tolerant of neutral to alkaline soils with plenty of organic matter. Water as necessary, particularly in...
Erica carnea 'March Seedling' AGMErica carnea 'March Seedling' AGM
Erica carnea 'March Seedling' AGM
(H6) Rose pink to purple flowers in late winter and spring. An excellent free flowering plant with mid-green foliage and spreading habit. Height and spread 15cm x 50cm in 5 years. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well-drained acidic to neutral soils. Tolerant of alkaline soils and partial shade.Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.

Erica x darleyensis 'Mary Helen'Erica x darleyensis 'Mary Helen'
Erica x darleyensis 'Mary Helen'
Also know as Erica carnea 'Mary Helen' (H5) Pink flowers with protruding, dark redanthers from late winter to mid-spring. Golden yellow foliage in the summer turning bronze in the winter. Thrives in full sun in moist but well drained acidic or neutral soils. Height 25-50cm in 5 years. Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
Erica x darleyensis 'Silberschmelze'Erica x darleyensis 'Silberschmelze'
Erica x darleyensis 'Silberschmelze'
Also known as: Erica × darleyensis 'Molten Silver', Erica × darleyensis 'Alba', Erica darleyensis 'Silver Bells', Erica × darleyensis Molten Silver, Erica × darleyensis Silver Beads.(H5) An abundance of scented, white urn-shaped flowers from early winter into spring. An attractive variety with dark green foliage and creamy young growths in the spring. A spreading, evergreen...

Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro'
Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro'
(H7) Deep red flower in long spikes in summer and autumn. Dark green, scale-like foliage on a spreading evergreen shrub. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well drained acidic soil. 45cm x 60cm in 5 years. Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
Calluna vulgaris 'Madonna'
Calluna vulgaris 'Madonna'
(H7) Large white buds opening to white flowers in Autumn to late Winter on a evergreen shrub that has a spreading and erect habit. Prefers full sun or partial shead in ericaceous compost or well drained acidic soil. 30cm High x 50cm Wide in 5 years. Water as necessary, particularly in dry weather conditions. trim to base of flower spike after flowering.

Rhododendron JunigoldRhododendron Junigold
Rhododendron Junigold
Images supplied and owned by Baumschule Hachmann This Bright yellow flowering rhododendron is another wonderful example of the ongoing breeding happening across Europe.(H7) Salmon pink flower buds opening to bright yellow flowers with a small hint of pink in the very outer frills. Flowering in late May/early June. Unlike so many of the yellow varieties this plant offers a full flower truss typically...
Dwarf Rhododendron Shamrock
Dwarf Rhododendron Shamrock
Image supplied and owned by Osberton Nurseries (H6) Trusses holding between 5 to 9 funnel shaped pale-yellow flowers in April/May. A neat compact variety with a spreading habit great for front of boarders or pots. Prefers a sheltered position in full sun to partial shade. Height & width 50-75cm in years. Requires moist acid soil. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun, but they hate too much...

Rhododendron Black Widow
Rhododendron Black Widow
Image owned and supplied by schroder rhododendron (H7) Very dark red, almost black flowers accented by bright white stamens, in mid to late May. Each truss comprises of between 19-21 individual flowers giving a full ball shape. These stunning flowers are surrounded by lush dark green glossy foliage. As with most reds they will happily grow on full sun, but flower display and colour is better when...
Rhododendron Toro Toro
Rhododendron Toro Toro
Image supplied and owned by Schnupper (H7) Purple red buds opening to pure red flowers with faint darker red spotting in the upper throat in May. Holds its colour well in partial shade. A dense mound forming plant with deep green foliage which tends to grow wider than tall. Height 125-150cm in 10 years • Recommended for: Pure red flowers that hold their colour• Ideal position: Dappled shade,...

Rhododendron Buffalo
Rhododendron Buffalo
Image supplied and owned by Schnupper (H7) Pinky yellow in bud opening to bright lemon yellow flowers with faint red spots on the upper lobe in early May. Each truss is made up of approximately 15 individual flowers which are held in a tight ball. The foliage on this plant is a lovely blue-green colour when it first opens before turning dark green in the autumn. Slightly wider than tall habit but...
Rhododendron Centennial Gold
Rhododendron Centennial Gold
Image Copyright: ©Nova-Photo-Graphik GmbH (H6) Pale pink to yellow buds opening into trusses with 16-25 bright yellow flowers each. This plant is a yakushimanum hybrid and as such tends to have a compact mound forming habit. Dark green glossy leaves with a light brown indumentum on the underside of each. Typical height 75-100cm in ten years. • Ideal for containers and small gardens.•...

Rhododendron Nimrod
Rhododendron Nimrod
(H5) Pale pink bell shaped flowers, heavily speckled and blotched purplish red, in a large well filled truss. Flowering in April. A choice plant of good stature, ideal for light woodland. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
Dwarf Rhododendron PhalaropeDwarf Rhododendron Phalarope
Dwarf Rhododendron Phalarope
This sister seedling to rhododendron Snipe has very pale pink, almost white flowers with a violet hue in late March/April. This is a very free-flowering plant with pale green leaves with a dense cmpact habit. Height 40-60cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly if planting in containers. •...

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Evergreen Azalea serpyllifolium Pink Form
(H6) A rare plant with single, small pale pink to rose coloured flowers at the ends of wiry little branches, in May. A quaint and pretty little shrub from Southern Japan, with small leaves. This plant responds well to being trimmed to keep it more compact and bushier. This plant like the warmer summers to help ripen the new shoots. Mainly deciduous in colder winters. Height 25-50cm in 10 years.
Arachnoides aristata Variegata
Arachnoides aristata Variegata
East Indian holly fern(H3) An interesting evergreen fern, native to East India, with a green frond with a distinct lime green/yellow mid rift. Though classed as being hardy they may require some additional winter protection in colder areas with the help of a heavy mulch to protect the roots. Overwinter potted plants in an unheated greenhouse, or provide a deep, insulating much around their base to...

Evergreen Azalea Geisha PinkEvergreen Azalea Geisha Pink
Evergreen Azalea Geisha Pink
Images supplied and owned by Morley Nurseries Ltd (H5) Lots of funnel-shaped, dark-pink flowers in May. A compact, bushy growing plant with a neat habit. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Best in partial shade but will cope well in full sun as long as the soil is not allowed to dry out. Requires moist acid soil.This shrub is semi-evergreen, so it can lose some of its leaves in winter. In colder regions...
Rhododendron Red Star (Bohlkens Roter Stern) INKARHORhododendron Red Star (Bohlkens Roter Stern) INKARHO
Rhododendron Red Star (Bohlkens Roter Stern) INKARHO
(H6) Deep red buds opening to rich red flowers with a lighter centre in mid May.This lovely compact variety has deep matt green leaves and grows to be 90 – 125cm in 10 years. Plant with a good ericaceous compost. Requires moist free draining soil. • Easy to grow.• Ideal position: Most garden situations• Habit: Dense.• Group: Hybrid.• Parentage: Anushka x Collective...

Rhododendron Blue Graziella INKARHO
Rhododendron Blue Graziella INKARHO
(H6) Bright purple/blue flowers with a darker centre in May. This plant has striking narrow pointed foliage which looks good all year. A very dense, upright growing shrub. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. • Recommended for: Amazing foliage.• Easy to grow.• Ideal position: Most garden situations.• Habit: Dense.• Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.• Parentage: Unknown currently•...
Evergreen Azalea Sir RobertEvergreen Azalea Sir Robert
Evergreen Azalea Sir Robert
(H5) Apple blossom-pink to light purple, pink flowers in late May. Colour and flower markings can be variable. A compact variety that grows wider than taller, with dark green foliage. Height 50-60cm x 80-90cm wide in 10 years. Requires moist acid soil in sun or semi shade. • Ideal for containers and most garden situations, including rock gardens and front of borders.• Easy to grow.•...
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