New Products

Here at Millais Nurseries, we like to keep our range of rhododendrons and azaleas as fresh and as interesting as possible. We do this by carefully selecting and trialling certain new plant introductions from the rhododendron world’s top breeders, including our own hybridisation program. We also source and grow a selection of varieties that may have been around for a few years but are new to our nursery and collection.

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Deciduous Azalea Golden Nectarine
Deciduous Azalea Golden Nectarine
Picture owned by and supplied by Tomma, Schroeder Rhododendron (H6) This Knaphill style flower starts off light red-orange in bud before opening to a rich golden yellowy orange with tinges of red on the edges in late May. Very similar to Sunte Nectarine but much richer in colour. Quite often the new bronze, red leaves will start to open at the same time as the flowers which gives a very nice contrast....
Deciduous Azalea Sommerduft (Summer Scent)
Deciduous Azalea Sommerduft (Summer Scent)
Picture owned by and supplied by Tomma, Schroeder Rhododendron (H6) Stunning almost pure white trumpet-shaped flowers with a very faint pink tinge to the outer edges opening in July typically after the foliage has appeared. The flowers are strongly scented which comes from azalea viscosum which makes up most of this plant’s parentage. The leaves are soft green in colour. The plant itself has...

Rhododendron Blue PrintRhododendron Blue Print
Rhododendron Blue Print
(H6) An interesting two tone purple and white flower from mid May - early June. The main bulk of the flower is purple with a white star shaped centre which darks to purple as the flowers age. Each individual flower has faint speckling in the upper lobe. This plant grows to form a dense mound of bottle green foliage. The new stems and leaf petioles open a dark purplish red before turning green over...
Deciduous Azalea Rumba
Deciduous Azalea Rumba
(H6) This deciduous azalea has bright vivid orange flowers which start to open in May and continue well into June helping to extend the flowering season for the orange deciduous azaleas.The new leaves emerge green with a red hue around the margins before turning golden orange and crimson red in the autumn months. This plant grows to be around 1.5m high and 1.2m wide and prefers to be in a sunny spot. •...
from £26.95

Acer palmatum 'Extravaganza'Acer palmatum 'Extravaganza'
Acer palmatum 'Extravaganza'
(H5) A lovely compact form of acer! Each spring new foligae emerges a bright pinkish red before taking on a softer hue when hints of green and cream become more apparent. As the leaves age they turn a rich green with irregular creamy streaks, and then in the autumn they change once again, taking on fiery red tones to reveal ornamental reddish-green stems. Extravaganza was bred by Dutch plant growers...
Rhododendron PaolaRhododendron Paola
Rhododendron Paola
(H6) Wonderful soft pink flowers with darker reddy-brown centres, opening in late May/early June with dark green matt foliage. This variety forms a dense compact plant growing wider than high. 125-150cm in ten years. Once again, its compact habit makes this plant ideal for middle of large boarders or perfect for the smaller modern garden. • Recommended for: Smaller modern Gardens.• Easy...

Rhododendron Paola INKARHORhododendron Paola INKARHO
Rhododendron Paola INKARHO
(H6) Wonderful soft pink flowers with darker reddy-brown centres, opening in late May/early June with dark green matt foliage. This variety forms a dense compact plant growing wider than high. 125-150cm in ten years. Once again, its compact habit makes this plant ideal for middle of large boarders or perfect for the smaller modern garden. Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment. •...
Deciduous Azalea Snow's HeadDeciduous Azalea Snow's Head
Deciduous Azalea Snow's Head
(H6) Almost pure white star shaped double flowers, forming large white balls of sweetly scented flowers in early May. Each flower is between 35 – 45mm and all the stamens are petaloid, adding more floral impact. This plant has lush bright green foliage and a broadly upright habit. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.A stunning plant bred and registered in Germany by top rhododendron breeder Holger Hachmann...

Deciduous Azalea Juniduft
Deciduous Azalea Juniduft
Image supplied and owned by H. Hachmann (H6) Sweetly scented stunning two tone pale pink funnel shaped flowers, that have a wonderful yellow spotted upper lobe, appear in late May early June. The new growth come through bronze in colour and turns deep green as the season progresses. Height 125-150cm in ten years. • Recommended for: Gorgeous scented flowers.• Easy...
Rhododendron Silver CopperRhododendron Silver Copper
Rhododendron Silver Copper
NEW! Masses of pinky-white frilly flowers with a dark red blotch in the centre, flowering in May. The plant is named for its wonderful new foliage during the summer months. The new growth in June and July is covered in a bright silvery tomentum (powdery coating) which turns a copper colour before washing off in autumn rains to reveal dark green leaves during the winter months. The leaf undersides are...

Deciduous Azalea Sun's Head (R. Sonnenkopfchen)
Deciduous Azalea Sun's Head (R. Sonnenkopfchen)
(H6) Bright rich yellow star shaped double flowers with a golden yellow blotch on the upper lobe, and a faint pink edging when first open. The flowers form a huge ball shaped truss with an intense sweet fragrance in May. They are 45-50mm across, and all the stamens are petaloid, adding more floral impact. Good autumn foliage colour with yellow tones. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. A stunning flower,...
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