
The importance of planting well can not be too strongly emphasized. The better you plant, the more you will be rewarded. This high quality compost is similar to the compost we grow our plants in. It is much better than most of the so called ericaceous composts sold in garden centres which have been milled to pieces and have no structure.

We recommend at least 20 litres of compost per 5 or 7.5 litre plant on most soils. Then double it for larger plants and double again on poorer soils!

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Bulrush Peat Free Ericaceous Compost 40 litre
Peat Free
Bulrush Peat Free Ericaceous Compost 40 litre
Bulrush peat free ericaceous compost has been specially developed to provide the ideal balance of nutrients and pH balance for lime hating plants such as Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias and Heathers. The compost is a blend of coir, clay and Forest Gold with added calcium, fertiliser and essential minerals to provide a good growing medium for plants. Forest Gold is a timber derived additive produced...
Bulrush Professional Ericaceous Compost 60 litre
Must Have
Bulrush Professional Ericaceous Compost 60 litre
Bulrush Professional Ericaceous compost is a peat-reduced product similar to the compost we grow our plants in. It is generally not available elsewhere and is much better than most ericaceous composts sold in garden centres, which is milled to pieces and has no structure. Bulrush contains a good fibrous peat enhanced with 50% Forest Gold, a composted woodfibre to produce a quality 'open' compost which...

Bulrush Professional Ericaceous Compost Deal 60 x 60L BagsBulrush Professional Ericaceous Compost Deal 60 x 60L Bags
Special Offer
Bulrush Professional Ericaceous Compost Deal 60 x 60L Bags
This is a BULK PALLET DEAL for 60 x 60L bags of Bulrush Professional Ericaceous compost at £5.25 each, saving over 24% (Same bags are £6.95 each when bought as singles). This compost will be delivered on non returnable wooden pallet by 18 tonne lorry with a tail lift. The full pallet will weigh just under 1 tonne, so be prepared for some heavy lifting! PLEASE ONLY ORDER IF YOU HAVE GOOD...
Was £417.00 Now £315.00
Melcourt Ornamental Bark Mulch™Melcourt Ornamental Bark Mulch™
Melcourt Ornamental Bark Mulch™
A high-performance mulch suitable for a wide range of smaller-scale professional and domestic landscape applications, where a neat, decorative finish is required. How To Use• Ensure the area to be mulched is entirely free from both annual and perennial weeds• Lay Melcourt Ornamental Bark Mulch evenly onto freshly cultivated moist soil, after planting has been completed.• The mulch should...