Companion Plants

Companion Plants

Companion plants are selected based on their ability to thrive in the same conditions as the primary plants with which they are paired. In the context of rhododendrons and azaleas, we have chosen a large range of companion plants to blend nicely in woodland settings or even in much smaller gardens, providing an extra burst of colour to the borders.
Our selection of companion plants includes a diverse range of options, from evergreen and deciduous shrubs to grasses and herbaceous perennials. Each type offers unique benefits and characteristics, making them ideal partners for rhododendrons and azaleas.

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Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro'
Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro'
(H7) Deep red flower in long spikes in summer and autumn. Dark green, scale-like foliage on a spreading evergreen shrub. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well drained acidic soil. 45cm x 60cm in 5 years. Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
Campanula persicifolia alba
Campanula persicifolia alba
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H7) Loose spires of large, cup-shaped, white flowers appear on slender stems in early and mid-summer. A rosette forming perennial with narrow mid green toothed leaves. It's an ideal plant for the back of a mixed or herbaceous border, especially in partial shade. Prefers moist well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 100cm high x 50cm wide...

Deutzia x rosea Yuki Cherry BlossomDeutzia x rosea Yuki Cherry Blossom
Deutzia x rosea Yuki Cherry Blossom
(H5) A profusion of creamy white flowers with pink outer edging in April-May, like a carpet of cherry blossom on a neat compact plant. Burgundy autumn foliage colour. Ideal for containers. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Best in full sun or dappled shade.
Erica carnea 'March Seedling' AGMErica carnea 'March Seedling' AGM
Erica carnea 'March Seedling' AGM
(H6) Rose pink to purple flowers in late winter and spring. An excellent free flowering plant with mid-green foliage and spreading habit. Height and spread 15cm x 50cm in 5 years. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well-drained acidic to neutral soils. Tolerant of alkaline soils and partial shade.Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.

Erica x darleyensis 'Mary Helen'Erica x darleyensis 'Mary Helen'
Erica x darleyensis 'Mary Helen'
Also know as Erica carnea 'Mary Helen' (H5) Pink flowers with protruding, dark redanthers from late winter to mid-spring. Golden yellow foliage in the summer turning bronze in the winter. Thrives in full sun in moist but well drained acidic or neutral soils. Height 25-50cm in 5 years. Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
Erica x darleyensis 'Pink Harmony'Erica x darleyensis 'Pink Harmony'
Erica x darleyensis 'Pink Harmony'
(H5) Masses of upright spikes of small, vivid pink flowers with protruding black anthers appear from mid-winter to late spring, over mid-green foliage that is bright green when young. Height and spread 40cm x 40cm in 2-5 years. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well-drained acidic soil. Tolerant of neutral to alkaline soils with plenty of organic matter. Water as necessary, particularly in...

Erica x darleyensis 'Silberschmelze'Erica x darleyensis 'Silberschmelze'
Erica x darleyensis 'Silberschmelze'
Also known as: Erica × darleyensis 'Molten Silver', Erica × darleyensis 'Alba', Erica darleyensis 'Silver Bells', Erica × darleyensis Molten Silver, Erica × darleyensis Silver Beads.(H5) An abundance of scented, white urn-shaped flowers from early winter into spring. An attractive variety with dark green foliage and creamy young growths in the spring. A spreading, evergreen...
Garrya elliptica James Roof  AGMGarrya elliptica James Roof  AGM
Garrya elliptica James Roof AGM
(H4) A selected clone forming a strong and vigorous evergreen shrub with large leathery leaves. Long slender greyish-green catkins flower profusely in January and February. Best grown in a sheltered position in sun or partial shade. Height and spread 3-4m in 10 years.

Heuchera 'Blackberry Jam' AGM
Heuchera 'Blackberry Jam' AGM
(H6) A clump-forming perennial. Glossy, bold foliage in shades of rich purple and maroon with dark veining, topped by upright panicles of small white bell flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.
Heuchera 'Huckleberry'
Heuchera 'Huckleberry'
(H6) A clump-forming perennial. Silver foliage, which turns pink during autumn, with dark purple undersides, topped by upright short stems of small pale pink flowers that fade to white once opened in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.

Heuchera 'Mulberry'Heuchera 'Mulberry'
Heuchera 'Mulberry'
2nd Image supplied and owend by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H5) An evergreen to semi-evergreen compact, mound forming variety of Heuchera. Bright mulberry coloured foliage with dark purple veins topped by upright stems of small bell-shaped white flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.
Heuchera 'Obsidian' AGM
Heuchera 'Obsidian' AGM
(H6) A compact, mound forming perennial. Glossy purple/black foliage topped by upright dark reddish stems with small creamy flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.

Heuchera 'Shanghai'
Heuchera 'Shanghai'
(H6) A compact perennial, with silver-purple evergreen foliage, topped by panicles of small pale pink-white flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.
Heuchera 'Silver Gumdrop'
Heuchera 'Silver Gumdrop'
(H6) An evergreen compact, clump forming variety of Heuchera. Purple and silver foliage topped by upright stems of small bell shaped pink flowers in the summer. Likes well-drained or moist well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 5 years.

Hydrangea macrophylla Maresii
Hydrangea macrophylla Maresii
(H5) Wide, flat flowerheads of rosy pink (alkali) or rich blue (acid) fertile flowers, surrounded by large lighter coloured ray florets, through the summer. A bushy deciduous shrub with wide, dark green, serrated edge, oval shaped leaves. Prefers a sheltered position with moist but well-drained soil 100-150cm in 10 years.
Hydrangea paniculata Limelight  AGM
Hydrangea paniculata Limelight AGM
(H5) Panicles form a dense broad cone, entirely green at first. Sterile florets open pale lime green, later white. A slight pink flush deepens to give pink and green colours. This plant is a robust and upright spreading selection with distinctive colouring. Height 150-175cm in 10 years. Best in moist sunny positions. For large panicles, the laterals should be pruned back to within 5-8cm of the previous...

Hydrangea paniculata Silver Dollar  AGM
Hydrangea paniculata Silver Dollar AGM
(H5) Elegant panicles of white flowers, turning light pink later in the season. These look good set against the dark upright stems. Fast growing, but neat compact habit. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Best in moist sunny positions. Bred and selected by Dutch plantsman Peter Zwijnenburg at the turn of the century, For large panicles, the laterals should be pruned back to within 5-8cm of the previous...
Jasminum nudiflorum AGMJasminum nudiflorum AGM
Jasminum nudiflorum AGM
(H5) A deciduous shrub with long, arching branches. Small green leaves from the spring and bright yellow flowers to 2.5cm in width in winter and spring. Like a sheltered position, with good well-drained soil, in full sun or partial shade. 200-250cm high and wide in 10 years.

Penstemon 'Alice Hindley'
Penstemon 'Alice Hindley'
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H4) An upright semi-evergreen perennial. Racemes of mauve/lilac-pink tubular bell-shaped flowers with a white centre in summer. Prefers a well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 100cm high x 50cm wide in 5 years.
Penstemon 'Snowstorm' (White Bedder)
Penstemon 'Snowstorm' (White Bedder)
Image owned and supplied by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H3) An upright semi-evergreen perennial, with dark green leaves. Tubular funnel-shaped white flowers through the summer. Likes a well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 100cm high x 50cm wide in 5 years.

Penstemon Midnight
Penstemon Midnight
Image supplied and owened by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H4) A clump forming semi-evergreen perennial, with dark green leaves. Upright tubular dark purple blue flowers with a white throat heavily flushed pink through the summer. Likes well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 90cm high x 45cm wide in 5 years.
Penstemon pinifolius Wisley Flame AGM
Penstemon pinifolius Wisley Flame AGM
pine-leaved penstemon 'Wisley Flame'(H4) Bright red-orange, tubular flowers to 2.5cm long in summer. A compact semi-evergreen shrub of spreading habit, with small linear, pine like foliage. Prefers well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 50cm x 50cm in 2 years.

Penstemon Sour Grapes
Penstemon Sour Grapes
image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H4) An upright semi-evergreen perennial, with glossy dark green leaves. Dense panicles of tubular, two-lipped flowers blending purple and blue shades, whitish within the throat, June-August. Likes a well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 60cm high x 50cm wide in 3-5 years.
Pieris Flaming Silver  AGMPieris Flaming Silver  AGM
Pieris Flaming Silver AGM
(H5) Nodding panicles of white 'lily of the valley' flowers March to May. Pretty, small variegated plant with bright red new leaves, turning deep green with silvery white edges. Height 75-100cm in 10 years. This compact shrub looks wonderful in a shady shrub border with well-drained, acid soil or in a container in a patio or courtyard garden.

Pieris Forest Flame  AGMPieris Forest Flame  AGM
Pieris Forest Flame AGM
Brilliant red young foliage changes to pink, creamy-white then green. Large drooping white flowers in April-May. One of the larger and hardier growing selections of Pieris. Height 150cm in 10 years.
Pieris japonica Little HeathPieris japonica Little Heath
Pieris japonica Little Heath
(H5) Pink flowers in spring on a neat compact growing plant with small variegated leaves, cream edging, pink new growth. Flowers best in a light airey position. Ideal for patio pots. Height 100-125cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid soil.

Pieris Japonica PassionPieris Japonica Passion
Pieris Japonica Passion
(H5) Panicles of maroon red flowers, March-April, followed by red new growth in spring. A neat evergreen shrub, best in a sheltered spot away from cold winds. Sun or light shade. Height 100-125cm in 10 years. Best in moist acid soils.
Pieris KatsuraPieris Katsura
Pieris Katsura
(H5) Rosy pink flowers in February and March. Outstanding new plant from Japan with deep bronze new foliage through the year. Best in light shade. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid soil.

Primula Husky Mixed
Looking Good
Primula Husky Mixed
An evergreen, versatile, hardy perennial, with stunning fragrant blooms that come in a mix of colours – from bright yellows, deep purples, crisp whites and bold reds. Great for woodland gardens, boarders or containers. Flowering from around late winter into late spring they add a stunning hit of early colour. Plant in partial shade or full sun on acid or neutral, moist, well drained soil.Please...
Primula Lilac LacePrimula Lilac Lace
Looking Good
Primula Lilac Lace
(H5) Delicate burgundy petals laced white, surround a bright yellow centre and are held above the bold textured foliage on light green stems from late winter into spring. Plant in partial shade to full sun, likes a moisture retentive soil.

Primula Oakleaf Yellow Picotee
Looking Good
Primula Oakleaf Yellow Picotee
(H5) Upright stems of fragrant bright yellow flowers with orange-red margins in the Spring. An evergreen perennial with dark green leaves. Likes moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 40cm High x 30cm Wide in 5 years.
Sedum 'Voodoo'Sedum 'Voodoo'
Sedum 'Voodoo'
Sedum spurium 'Voodoo'(H7) A mat forming perennial with fleshy leaves, heavily flushed with dark red. Clusters of dark red-pink star shaped flowers are produced in the summer on upright stems. Likes full sun and well-drained soil. 10cm high x 50cm wide in 5 years.

Sisyrinchium Moody Blues
Sisyrinchium Moody Blues
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H4) A compact, clump forming semi-evergreen perennial with sword-shaped, grass-like, leaves. In the summer masses of large, brilliant violet blue flowers are displayed on upright stems. Likes full sun, in a sheltered south or west facing position. 40cm high x 35cm wide in 5 years.
Veronica 'Georgia Blue' AGM
Veronica 'Georgia Blue' AGM
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited (H5) A vigorous mat forming, semi-evergreen perennial. Lance shaped leaves and saucer shaped deep blue flowers with small white eyes over a long period from March - August. Likes a sheltered position in full sun and moist but well-drained soil. 10cm high x 100cm wide in 5 years.