Tall Hybrid Rhododendrons: Page 3
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Rhododendron Markeeta's Prize AGM
Fine large bright scarlet flowers with darker spots. Flowering in early May it has thick dark green foliage on a tall upright plant. Markeetas Prize is one of the best reds available but we do recommend partial shade to prevent the blooms from fading. Height 175-200cm in 10 years.This is a great tough plant that is ideal for hedging and screening.
Recommended for: One of the best reds.
Easy to...
from £32.95
Rhododendron Tortoiseshell Orange AGM
Very attractive orange-red flowers shaded pink in loose trusses during June. It forms a compact dome shaped plant with attractive glossy leaves. It will perform best in some shade and in a sheltered position. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: gorgeous orange flowers.
Plantsman range.
Ideal position: Dappled shade, needs careful site selection.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Rhododendron White Swan
Pink in bud, opening to large and perfectly formed satin white flowers with a slight yellow-green basal blotch. This is a striking plant that flowers in May. It has mid green leaves with a V-shaped profile, on a compact upright plant that will tolerate some heat. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Wonderful white flower.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Rhododendron Red Jack
Attractive ruby red flowers in a tall conical truss during mid May. This is a good solid red that catches the eye. Bred at Boskoop Research Station, Holland, we think it is a lovely plant. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Good strong red.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Parentage: 'Wilgen's Ruby'...
Rhododendron Roseum Elegans
Beautiful lavender flowers fading to pink, with reddish brown spotting. Flowering in late May early June this lovely old hybrid has olive green foliage. It tolerates sun, heat and cold and is a dense and vigorous grower. It is ideal for windbreaks or hedging and screening. Height 180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Hedging/screening.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Rhododendron Roseum Elegans (Second's)
Please note these are great plants but have been reduced as they are not first grade. If you are interested in any of these and wish to see photos please email or call and we can get some over to you.
Beautiful lavender flowers fading to pink, with reddish brown spotting. Flowering in late May early June this lovely old hybrid has olive green foliage. It tolerates sun, heat and cold and is a dense...
Rhododendron Silver Edge
An interesting variegated plant with distinctive silver leaf edging. It has soft lavender blue flowers in May to June. A dense and fast growing, tough plant. Height 180+ cm in 10 years.This plant is ideal for hedging and screening. It is vigorous and tolerates sun.
Recommended for: Hedging/screening.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hardy Hybrid.
Rhododendron Sir Charles Butler
Stunning fragrant blush white funnel shaped flowers in May. It forms a large plant, but needs protecting from cold wind and the worst frosts. A wonderful fast growing plant that flowers after 5 years. Height 180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for lovely scented flower.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: sheltered woodland.
Habit: upright, tree-like.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Parentage: unknown, probably...
Rhododendron Sir Charles Lemon AGM
This plant is an absolute must for every woodland garden. It has ivory white flowers in April and makes a wonderful large upright shrub/tree. It has a distinctive cinnamon/rust indumentum on the underside of the leaves. It does need protection from sun. Height 150cm in 10 years.Named after Sir Charles Lemon, who inherited the Carclew Estate, Penryn, Cornwall in 1824. The impressive house burnt down...
Rhododendron Snowy River
(H5) Rounded trusses of light purple flowers with deeper veining in April-May. Mid green interesting foliage with a pale fawn indumentum below. Height 100-125cm in 10 years.
• Recommended for: Interesting Foliage• Ideal position: Dappled shade in most garden situations.• Habit: Bushy.• Group: Hardy Hybrid.• Parentage: ririei X niveum• Hybridisation date: pre 2000 (1974)•...
Rhododendron Starbright Champagne
Creamy yellow flowers with pointed star like petals. Flowering mid to late May this is an exciting hybrid which is dense and slow growing. The young growth is reddish bronze. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Unusual flowers.
Plantsman range.
Ideal position: Dappled shade, needs careful site selection.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Parentage: 'Yaku...
Rhododendron Sun Fire
(H6) Red in bud, opening to bright orange flowers with yellow centres and stamen. Flowering in mid May with a glowing flame-like appearance this is a tough and floriferous plant with a compact habit. Height 150cm in 10 years.
This plant offers a special colour arrangement. The inside of the flower is soft yellow and the outer edge pink-orange. The three upper lobes display interesting deeper golden...
Rhododendron Susan
Large trusses of flowers in two shades of mauve fading to near white, with darker margins and purple speckling. Flowering in April-May she has good, dark shiny foliage and makes a broad and dense plant. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Unusual flower colour.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Parentage: campanulatum...
Rhododendron Terracotta
Beautiful spotted orange flowers with pink shadings in late May. It has prominent curling calyx, giving an almost double flowered effect. A strong growing compact plant. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Lovely orange flowers.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Parentage: Thought to be 'Mrs Lindsay Smith' X 'Dido'.
Rhododendron Toro Toro
Image supplied and owned by Schnupper
(H7) Purple red buds opening to pure red flowers with faint darker red spotting in the upper throat in May. Holds its colour well in partial shade. A dense mound forming plant with deep green foliage which tends to grow wider than tall. Height 125-150cm in 10 years
• Recommended for: Pure red flowers that hold their colour• Ideal position: Dappled shade,...
Rhododendron Tortoiseshell Champagne AGM
Gorgeous pale yellow flowers with a deeper centre tinged pink in June. A compact dome shaped plant, growing wider than tall. It does need some shelter and will perform best in some shade. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.As with all yellow Rhododendrons, this plant does need good drainage (but not dry conditions!). Also known as 'Champagne'.
Recommended for: pretty yellow flowers.
Plantsman range.
Rhododendron Tortoiseshell Orange AGM
Very attractive orange-red flowers shaded pink in loose trusses during June. It forms a compact dome shaped plant with attractive glossy leaves. It will perform best in some shade and in a sheltered position. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: gorgeous orange flowers.
Plantsman range.
Ideal position: Dappled shade, needs careful site selection.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Rhododendron True Blue
(H6) Lovely vivid purple in bud opening to lighter purple with dark purple spotting and distinctive white stamens. Flowers open in May, on a dense plant with deep rich green leaves. Height 150 - 175cm in 10 years.
• Recommended for: Tough variety. Hedging.• Ideal position: Dappled shade in most garden situations.• Habit: Bushy.• Group: Hardy Hybrid.• Parentage: R. yakushimanum...
Rhododendron Van
This is a sister seedling to R. Anna Rose Whitney, grown by Van Veen Nurseries near Portland in Oregon, hence the name! It has distinctive deep pink flowers with deeper spotting in the centre during May - June. It is a handsome and dense plant that regularly flowers really well. Lots of people like R. Anna Rose Whitney, but it is prone to powdery mildew, whereas R. Van grows cleanly without any trouble,...
Rhododendron Van Nes Sensation
Lilac pink in bud, opening to fragrant orchid pink flowers lighter in the centre with reddish spotting in the throat. Flowering in early May it is best in partial shade, however, it will tolerate some heat. We think this is a lovely plant with an upright, dense habit. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Lovely scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Dappled shade.
Habit: Dense.
Rhododendron Vulcan AGM
This is a stunning plant with tall trusses of fiery-red flowers in May-June. It has long leaves and forms a compact, dome shaped bush. It will perform best in a fairly sunny position but is tough and always reliable. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.Please note this variety has a broad habit, wider than its height. Specimen sizes will typically be measured across the spread of the plant.
Rhododendron Walkure
(H7) Very large bright rose pink flowers with ruby-pink frilly edging and darker markings in the throat. Flowering in late May to early June this is an excellent tough plant from Northern Germany. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.Named after the Wagner opera.Please note this variety has a broad habit, wider than its height. Specimen sizes will typically be measured across the spread of the plant.
Rhododendron Whidbey Island
This is a superb recent American introduction with wonderful big leaf foliage. It has pale purple flowers with a deeper edging and a dark blotch. Flowering in April, it has silvery young growth, with a wonderful tan indumentum on the underside of the leaves. It does need some wind shelter but it makes a wonderful plant of upright habit. Height 150cm in 10 years, then taller.
Raised at Meerkerk Rhododendron...
Rhododendron White Gold
(H7) Large almost pure white flowers, with a lime/yellow flare in the upper lobe and a wavey edge, form a large domed truss opening in early May. Each truss is made up off 10 individual flowers.Mid green leaves on a semi open habit can give this plant the appearance of being a small tree from a distance. Height 175-200cm in 10 years.
• Recommended for: woodland gardens to brighten the space.•...
Rhododendron White Pearl
Lovely pink buds open to pure white flowers speckled crimson in the throat. Flowering in May this is a very vigorous tall growing plant with good deep green glossy leaves. Most useful for its heat tolerance and hedging/screening. Height 180cm+ in 10 years.A reliable old variety that is also known as Halopeanum.
Recommended for: Hedging/screening.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Rhododendron White Swan
Pink in bud, opening to large and perfectly formed satin white flowers with a slight yellow-green basal blotch. This is a striking plant that flowers in May. It has mid green leaves with a V-shaped profile, on a compact upright plant that will tolerate some heat. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Wonderful white flower.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Rhododendron White Swan (Second's)
These plants are not to our 1st grade quality, they may be a little wonky or have some gaps but are still strong and healthy. Please contact us if you are interested and would like to anymore advice on these.
Pink in bud, opening to large and perfectly formed satin white flowers with a slight yellow-green basal blotch. This is a striking plant that flowers in May. It has mid green leaves with a V-shaped...
Rhododendron Wilgen's Ruby
Nice deep red flowers with brown spotting on the upper lobes. Flowering in late May it has a good compact habit. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.Wilgins Ruby would make the perfect gift for a Ruby Wedding Anniversary!
Recommended for: Good red with tidy habit.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Parentage: 'Britannia' X 'John Walter'.
Rhododendron XXL
(H5) Red in bud, opening to extra large white flowers with vivid carmine pink frilled edging during May. A truly striking and long lasting flower on a dense and strong growing plant with an upright habit. The leaves, shoots, and prominent flower buds all have an obvious quality to them, and the flowers are of strong substance and therefore last about a week longer than most varieties. Height 150-175cm...