Azaleas: Page 2
Deciduous Azalea Nicholas de Rothschild
(H5) A wonderful bicoloured double flower, which is red in tight bud, opening through deep pink to deep golden yellow, turning to soft pink and apricot as they mature. May. Deep green foliage turns fiery red in autumn before falling. Height 125-150cm in 10 years with an upright habit.
This combination makes for a kaleidoscope of colour through the spring. Altogether a great shrub for punctuating...
Deciduous Azalea Norman's Choice
(H6) Vivid red in bud, opening to reddish orange flowers with yellow flare on upper lobes, with wavy edges. Scented flowers in May. Rich bronze coloured foliage. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid soils.
Raised by the late George Hyde, a Dorset nurseryman in the 1970s.Named by his daughter Rosemary Legrand in 2013 for renowned New Forest nurseryman Norman Stanbrook.
Deciduous Azalea Northern Hi Lights
Yellow buds open in May to beautiful creamy white scented flowers with a prominent bright yellow upper lobe giving a two tone effect. Gorgeous autumn colours. Bred at the University of Minnesota in North America, so it is exceptionally hardy. Height 120 - 150cm in 10 years. Requires a fairly sunny position.
Recommended for beautiful scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Northern...
Deciduous Azalea Pamela Mary
(H6) Deep pink in bud, opening to pink with a large orange flare, giving a lovely and distinctive two tone effect, then becoming glowing pale orange throughout. Stunning large flowers in late May, on a plant with a strong upright habit.
This was raised by noted Dorset nurseryman, George Hyde, who also raised the Solent strain of azaleas for Exbury Gardens. It was selected and named by his daughter...
Deciduous Azalea periclymenoides
An attractive sweet-smelling azalea, with small pink flowers, and a deeper tube, appearing with the leaves in May. This is a very hardy low growing, stoloniferous plant (meaning it bears stolons which are stems which creep along the surface of the ground, taking root at intervals) from Eastern America. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.
Also known as nudiflorum
Recommended for pretty scented flowers.
Deciduous Azalea Persil AGM
Stunning large pure white flowers with a prominent deep yellow flare in the throat. Flowering in mid-late May this is one of our favourites. A striking Knaphill azalea. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid).
Parentage: unknown.
Hybridization date: pre 1950 (before 1926).
Bred by: Waterer (Knap Hill). Origin: British.
Habit: upright.
Ideal position:...
Deciduous Azalea Rosata AGM
(H6) Lightly scented pink flowers with darker veins and yellow orange speckling on the upper lobe. The pale flowers contrast nicely with deeper pink buds and deeper pink on the reverse. May flowering. A tough compact plant with small leaves. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.
• Recommended for fragrant flowers.
• Easy to grow.
• Group: Deciduous Azalea.
• Parentage: R. viscosum...
Deciduous Azalea Rumba
(H6) This deciduous azalea has bright vivid orange flowers which start to open in May and continue well into June helping to extend the flowering season for the orange deciduous azaleas.The new leaves emerge green with a red hue around the margins before turning golden orange and crimson red in the autumn months. This plant grows to be around 1.5m high and 1.2m wide and prefers to be in a sunny spot.
Deciduous Azalea Satan AGM
Wickedly dark red in bud, opening to large deep orange-red flowers in late May and early June. A good mildew resistant plant raised by the old Waterer Nurseries at Knaphill, and introduced by W C Slocock Ltd. This variety makes a real statement and is a must for any garden. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
Recommended for stunning flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid).
Deciduous Azalea Silver Slipper AGM
Pink buds open to large white flowers with a prominent yellow orange flare in May - June. A stunning deciduous azalea that has good coppery autumn colour. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. Prefers a fairly sunny position.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid).
Parentage: unknown
Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1948).
Bred by: Exbury. Origin: British.
Habit: compact.
Ideal position:...
Deciduous Azalea Snow's Head
(H6) Almost pure white star shaped double flowers, forming large white balls of sweetly scented flowers in early May. Each flower is between 35 – 45mm and all the stamens are petaloid, adding more floral impact. This plant has lush bright green foliage and a broadly upright habit. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.A stunning plant bred and registered in Germany by top rhododendron breeder Holger Hachmann...
Deciduous Azalea Soft Lights
(H6) Rich pink in bud, opening to enormous double blooms of pastel pink and shades of soft cream. This gives a variable two tone effect in late May with different colours on different flowers. An outstanding introduction from New Zealand. Best in light shade. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
Raised by Denis Hughes, a noted rhododendron breeder from Blue Mountain Nurseries, in the South of New Zealand....
Deciduous Azalea Soir de Paris AGM
Delicate and scented purplish pink flowers with an orange blotch and darker lines. Flowering in June, the flowers are up to 50mm in trusses of 7 to 9. An excellent plant with pretty small greyish/blue leaves. Height 120-150cm in 10 years. It prefers a fairly sunny position.
Recommended for pretty scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (viscosum hybrid).
Parentage: viscosum X 'Koster's...
Deciduous Azalea Sommerduft (Summer Scent)
Picture owned by and supplied by Tomma, Schroeder Rhododendron
(H6) Stunning almost pure white trumpet-shaped flowers with a very faint pink tinge to the outer edges opening in July typically after the foliage has appeared. The flowers are strongly scented which comes from azalea viscosum which makes up most of this plant’s parentage. The leaves are soft green in colour. The plant itself has...
Deciduous Azalea Strawberry Ice AGM
Lovely deep pink in bud opening to flesh pink flowers mottled deeper at the edges with a golden flare. Flowering in large trusses of 23 flowers up to 70mm across in May - June. It has bronzy young growth with good autumn colour. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Ideal for mixed borders.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid).
Parentage: unknown.
Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1947).
Deciduous Azalea Summer Fragrance AGM
(H6) Very fragrant pale creamy yellow flowers with prominent vivid yellow blotch in June. Ideal for extending the flowering season. Another late flowering azalea raised by the renowned Denny Pratt with good autumn colour. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.
Recommended for beautiful and highly scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Pratt occidentale hybrid).
Parentage: occidentale X...
Deciduous Azalea Summer Sunshine
(H6) Beautiful creamy yellow flowers with a prominent dark yellow blotch on the upper lobe and interesting crinkly edged flowers. A super fragrant plant with long lasting flowers in June. It will perform best in light shade. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.
Another Denny Pratt hybrid that was collect by Ted Millais from Dunham Massey National Trust garden where it was labelled 'DP122A'.
Deciduous Azalea Sun Star
(H6) Glowing dark salmon pink in bud, opening with bright yellow double fragrant flowers, and changing to soft orange in late May. It is a really bright glowing flower, which is followed with good autumn foliage colour. A choice hybrid from Tijs Huisman in Holland. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
Tijs developed this plant by crossing some seedlings made by Fred Minch in USA with R. luteum. Previously...
Deciduous Azalea Sun's Head (R. Sonnenkopfchen)
(H6) Bright rich yellow star shaped double flowers with a golden yellow blotch on the upper lobe, and a faint pink edging when first open. The flowers form a huge ball shaped truss with an intense sweet fragrance in May. They are 45-50mm across, and all the stamens are petaloid, adding more floral impact. Good autumn foliage colour with yellow tones. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.
A stunning flower,...
Deciduous Azalea Sunny Boy
(H6) Striking deep orange red flowers with paler orange markings on the upper lobe, and darker stripes through the centre of each lobe. The flowers are wide tubular-funnel shaped with a wavy edge, and give a glowing and almost luminescent effect in late May, especially in sunshine. Young leaves are purple bronze in colour, followed by a good red autumn foliage display. A recent introduction from Hachmann,...
Deciduous Azalea Sunte Nectarine AGM
This plant has amazing deep glowing orange flowers with a golden flare. Flowering in May to June it also has good autumn foliage colours. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. It prefers a fairly sunny position. Originally raised at Sunte House, Haywards Heath.
Recommended for vibrant glowing flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid).
Parentage: unknown.
Deciduous Azalea Thomas David
Launched at our Gold Medal winning exhibit at RHS CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW 2011.
A striking deep rosy red double pompom type of flower displayed as large globes during mid to late May. A particularly fine new flower, and a rare double red. Grows best in light dappled shade or full sun. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
This is one of 4 lovely 'Homebush' hybrids bred by noted New Forest Azalea breeder George...
Deciduous Azalea Toucan
Beautiful cream coloured flowers in May-June. We think this is one of the best creams available with good autumn leaf colour. Large flowers up to 90mm across. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.
Recommended for lovely cream flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid).
Parentage: unknown.
Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1941).
Bred by: Waterer (Knap Hill). Origin: British.
Deciduous Azalea wadanum
(H5) Flat faced rich rose pink flowers, appearing with the leaves in April and May. Interesting almost heart shape leaves, on a compact bushy plant from Japan. Needs protection when young. Height 50-75cm in 10 years.
Deciduous Azalea White Lights AGM
Masses of small white flowers with faint golden markings. Scented and very hardy, flowering in May, this is a lovely deciduous azalea that has a rounded habit. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.
Recommended for beautiful scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Northern lights hybrid).
Parentage: unknown.
Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1969).
Bred by: H. Pellett. Origin: American.
Deciduous Azalea Whitethroat AGM
Delightful small pure white double funnel-shaped flowers. Flowering in May - June this is a lovely neat compact plant with a spreading habit. It performs best in light dappled shade and has attractive silvery light green leaves. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.
Recommended for pure white flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid).
Parentage: unknown.
Hybridization date: pre...
Deciduous Azalea Yellow Pom Pom
(H5) A stunning bright yellow ball of flowers, each truss is made up of between 18 and 24 individual flowers, in turn each individual flower is between 5 and 7.5cm across and hose in hose giving it the appearance of twice as many petals. Good foliage colour in the autumn. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires a sunny position in the garden to get the best out of the flowers.
• Recommended for...
Evergreen Azalea Arctic Fox
(H5) Spectacular pure white 60mm large open funnel shaped flowers with a wavy edge in May, on a fairly compact growing evergreen azalea with matt green hairy leaves. A recent variety that was bred in Scotland for tougher conditions. Height 50-60cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and most garden situations, including rock gardens and front of borders.
Easy to grow.
Group: Evergreen Azalea
Evergreen Azalea Babuschka
This is a tough, neat and compact growing plant with stunning double carmine rose flowers in late May. A semi evergreen variety which drops its lower leaves in the Autumn/Winter. Height 50-60cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (Hachmann hybrid).
Parentage: 'Elsie Lee' (s) X 'Purplekissen'
Evergreen Azalea Ben Morrison
Large deep orange-pink flowers, with red spotting and white wavy edging flowering in May. This is a vigorous plant with an upright open habit. A very striking bicoloured azalea. A semi evergreen variety which drops its lower leaves in the Autumn/Winter. Although this plant was propagated by Ben Morrison of Glenn Dale in Maryland, America, it was registered and introduced after his death by The United...
Evergreen Azalea Blue Danube AGM
With intense large violet blue flowers, with deeper purple red spotting this lovely old variety is very hardy. Flowering in May, it has an upright spreading habit with flowers approximately 40-45mm wide. A semi evergreen variety which drops its lower leaves in the Autumn/Winter. Height 60-80cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers, small gardens and mixed borders.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea...
Evergreen Azalea Blue Moon
(H4) Really attractive large pale mauve flowers, which flowers late in mid June, with good bushy habit. Height 60-90cm in 10 years.
Registered name is Nuccio's Blue Moon.
This is a Satsuki hybrid, so the flowers can be variable. In some seasons, white stripes or pink flowers can occur either on the whole plant or on part of the plant. Enjoy the surprise!
Ideal for containers and small gardens,...
Evergreen Azalea Canzonetta AGM
Semi double reddish pink flowers cover the bush and hide every leaf. Flowering in late May/early June, it has striking mahogany red foliage in winter. The flowers are large up to 5 to 6cm. It forms a neat and small growing plant with a height and spread 30 x 80cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers. Great for cascading over walls and to extend the flowering season.
Easy to grow.
Group: Evergreen...
Evergreen Azalea Chipmunk
Prolific bright pink hose in hose double flowers in late June up to 55cm across. This is a lovely compact plant with neat glossy foliage. Height 40-60cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens and to extend the flowering season.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (Northern European hybrid).
Parentage: 'Vida Brown' (s) X 'Lemur'
Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1979).
Bred by: P.A....
Evergreen Azalea Chippewa
An old variety with large (around 65cm) rose pink flowers in June-July. This is a really useful plant to extend the flowering season well into the summer, and we have several groups planted in the gardens at Crosswater Farm. Tough and hardy. Height 50-75cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, ideally planted in groups to maximise effect.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (possibly...
Evergreen Azalea Corany
Delightful smaller rose pink flowers with a darker centre that flowers in May. This is a dense and compact plant with a good habit, with its leaves turning shades of burnt orange and red in the Autumn/Winter. Ideal for front of border or for growing in containers. Height 60-80cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders.
Easy to grow.
Evergreen Azalea Dear Grandad
(H4) Huge glowing orange flowers up to 80mm across with an attractive frilly edge. It flowers in mid to late May and is perfect as a present for Grandad! Height 55 - 70cm in 10 years.
Raised by the late Dorset Azalea breeder, George Hyde and introduced by his daughter Rosemary Legrand.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders.
Easy to grow.
Evergreen Azalea Dear Grandma
(H4) Large, wavy edged deep pink flowers, with speckling in throat flowering mid to late May. This would make a lovely present for Grandma! Height 60 - 80cm in 10 years.
Raised by the late Dorset Azalea breeder, George Hyde and introduced by his daughter Rosemary Legrand.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea...
Evergreen Azalea Dearest
A lovely looking Azalea with large rich pink flowers and darker markings, flowering in Mid May. The perfect gift for any occasion! Slightly tender, so best in sheltered positions. Height 50-75cm in 10 years.
Raised by noted New Forest Azalea breeder, George Hyde, and recently named by his daughter Rosemary Legrand.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (Hyde...
Evergreen Azalea Elsie Lee AGM
Stunning double lilac-lavender flowers up to 60mm which last well, flowering in late May. A recent introduction and proving very popular, as this is a different colour to most other azaleas. A neat grower with a fairly upright habit, sometimes semi deciduous foliage. Height 60-80cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, makes a real statement!
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea...
Evergreen Azalea Florida AGM
This is a popular variety with large deep red hose-in-hose double flowers around 55cm across in May. It is a tough plant with glossy leaves that turn a lovely reddish in autumn and winter. Height 60-75cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, great autumn foliage.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (kaempferi hybrid).
Parentage: Un-named seedling no. 37 G1 X 'Vuyks Scarlet'
Evergreen Azalea Flower Arranger
Large, soft lilac semi-double flowers with a fluted edge in May up to 40mm. This is an excellent plant with a compact neat habit. Height 50-65cm in 10 years. It does like a sheltered position.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (Hyde hybrid).
Parentage: Unknown.
Hybridization date: pre 2000 (late 1960's).
Bred by: W.G.T. Hyde. Origin: British.
Evergreen Azalea Frosted Orange
This is a lovely plant with stunning large white flowers with a wide orange/reddish border. The flowers are up to 75mm wide, showing themselves later in the season in late May and June. It has a low mounding habit and is tolerant of more heat. Height 60-75cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens. Late flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (American hybrid).
Parentage: 'Bunka'...
Evergreen Azalea Gaiety
Beautiful large pale pink flowers with a darker blotch (the flowers are 50-75mm wide). Flowering in May, early to mid season, this plant has a broad rounded habit. The American Glenn Dale hybrids were bred for their larger flower and ability to be cold hardy. This plant was voted one of the 'Top 20' in the Glen Dale hybrids survey of 1980. Height 60-80cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small...
Evergreen Azalea Geisha Orange
Wonderful bright reddish orange flowers around 25mm across. Flowering in late April and May, this is a really good orange evergreen azalea with a low mounded habit. Height 40-60cm in 10 years.
Registered name is Satschiko.
W.Arends, (descendant of astilbe botanist Georg Arends (1863-1952)), bred the Geisha series of evergreen azaleas during the 1960's. (Haruko, Hiroko, Kazuko, Kumiko, Michiko a Takako)....
Evergreen Azalea Geisha Pink
Images supplied and owned by Morley Nurseries Ltd
(H5) Lots of funnel-shaped, dark-pink flowers in May. A compact, bushy growing plant with a neat habit. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Best in partial shade but will cope well in full sun as long as the soil is not allowed to dry out. Requires moist acid soil.This shrub is semi-evergreen, so it can lose some of its leaves in winter. In colder regions...
Evergreen Azalea Geisha Purple
Pretty small light reddish-purple hose in hose flowers (approximately 20mm) in May which are very floriferous. A very hardy compact growing plant bred to withstand the cold in Germany. Height and spread 40-60cm in 10 years.
Also known as Geisha Purpurrosa and registered name is Fumiko
W.Arends, (descendant of astilbe botanist Georg Arends (1863-1952)), bred the Geisha series of evergreen azaleas...
Evergreen Azalea Geisha Red
(H6) Multiple small bright red flowers in May. An interesting red evergreen azalea with low mounded habit, bred to withstand the cold winters in Germany. Height 40-60cm in 10 years.
W.Arends, (descendant of astilbe botanist Georg Arends (1863-1952)), bred the Geisha series of evergreen azaleas during the 1960's. (Haruko, Hiroko, Kazuko, Kumiko, Michiko a Takako).