Best Sellers
Rhododendron Angelo
(H4-5) What a stunning plant with huge trusses of scented pale pink flowers in June. This is a vigorous plant with an open, treelike habit which performs best in sheltered woodland and shaded gardens. Height 180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Later flowering and scent.
Plantsman range.
Ideal position: Sheltered woodland, dappled shade.
Habit: Treelike.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Deciduous Azalea Charlotte Megan
(H6) Luscious double flowered Strawberry pink pompom shaped flowers standing up like great globes on top of the stems. Flowers mid to late May. Best in light shade or full sun. Good autumn leaf colour adds extra interest. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
This is one of 4 lovely 'Homebush' hybrids bred by noted New Forest Azalea breeder George Hyde, who bred the Solent strain of Azaleas for Exbury Gardens....
Magnolia x loebneri 'Merrill' AGM
Gorgeous white scented flowers (up to 15cm wide) in late March and early April. This deciduous plant forms a large, spreading shrub or small to medium tree. It will perform best in full sun and in any reasonable soil except waterlogged. Magnolia kobus was hybridised with M.stellata by Max Loebner prior to 1914 to produce the Magnolia x loebneri cultivar. Diverse habits resulted and this is a great...
Camellia japonica 'Saturnia'
(H5) Magnificient deep red flowers early spring, March-April. Semi double flowers with a few paler stamens and petaloids. This japonica variety is tough with deep green glossy leaves, with an open, upright habit. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Best in moist acid soils, in a sunny or lightly shaded position. Also good in containers .
Magnolia Gardens, South Carolina, USA, 1942.
Dwarf Rhododendron anthopogon 'Betty Graham'
(POGONANTHUM (H6) Deep rose pink daphne-like flowers, which have been described as having the texture of limp tisue paper. It flowers in April - May. The oval to elliptic leaves are aromatic when rubbed and have overlapping scales on the undersides. Height up to 40cm in 10 years.
A choice selected clone with an Award of Merit in 1969.
Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much...
Rhododendron tsariense
Gorgeous pinky white flowers with crimson spotting in April. A rare plant with superb foliage that has dense rufous indumentum on the lower leaf surface and sometimes on the upper surface. A lovely compact slow growing plant that needs good drainage to perform well. Avoid using fertilizer with this plant. Height 40-50cm in 10 years.
Ideal for small gardens.
Plantsman range.
Ideal position: sheltered...
Dryopteris affnis 'Cristata The King'
(H5) Dryopteris affnis 'Cristata The King'. Other Common names: King Of Male Ferns, King Of The Ferns, King Of British Ferns
'Cristata The King' is one of the largest and most accommodating crested ferns it is possible to grow. A robust, nearly evergreen fern to 1.2m tall. The young fronds unfurl a golden green with rosettes of erect to arching bipinnate fronds, handsomely crested at the tips of...
Rhododendron Brasilia INKARHO
(H7) Rose pink flowers, with peachy orange and yellow shading in May. A compact growing hardy plant from Germany. Height 100-125cm in 10 years.
Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment.
Recommended for: Tough and reliable variety.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Parentage: (‘Omega' x wardii) x (wardii...
Cornus florida Cherokee Brave
A free flowering dogwood with pink bracts, and pale pink or white centre. Each flower head has 4 conspicuous petal like bracts in May. Originating from North America, Cherokee Brave is choice clone which forms a small bushy tree or a large shrub, with rich autumn colours. Dogwoods always look good planted near water, and will grow on most garden soils, but poor shallow chalk soils are best avoided....
Acer palmatum 'Emerald Lace' AGM
Fine lacy yellow-green leaves in spring on weeping pendulous branches. Deepens to rich emerald green foliage in summer, followed by bright burgundy red colours in autumn. Height approximately 2-4 metres in 10 years.
Deciduous Azalea Marie Hoffman
(H6) Pretty clove scented clear pink flowers with a slight yellowy centre, appearing in clusters with the leaves in May. Originally described as a choice and very hardy selection of the wild Azalea prinophyllum from Eastern U.S.A, but now beleived to be a hybrid due to its larger flowers of greater substance. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.
Recommended for fragrant flowers.
Easy to grow.
Evergreen Azalea Sir Robert
(H5) Apple blossom-pink to light purple, pink flowers in late May. Colour and flower markings can be variable. A compact variety that grows wider than taller, with dark green foliage. Height 50-60cm x 80-90cm wide in 10 years. Requires moist acid soil in sun or semi shade.
• Ideal for containers and most garden situations, including rock gardens and front of borders.• Easy to grow.•...
Hydrangea paniculata 'Wim's Red'
Image owned by
(H5) White flowers in the spring through to pink in summer before maturing to a wine-red in the autumn. A deciduous shrub with strong red-tinted stems and toothed green leaves. Will tolerate full sun and partial shade. Height 150-250cm in 10 years.
Deciduous Azalea Yellow Pom Pom
(H5) A stunning bright yellow ball of flowers, each truss is made up of between 18 and 24 individual flowers, in turn each individual flower is between 5 and 7.5cm across and hose in hose giving it the appearance of twice as many petals. Good foliage colour in the autumn. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires a sunny position in the garden to get the best out of the flowers.
• Recommended for...
Compact Rhododendron Foliage Collection (4 x 3 litre plants)
Picture for example only. Please see descriptions below.
This is a lovely collection of 4 compact growing Rhododendrons each one has been selected for its interesting foliage, giving you the customer more than one season of interest. Once the plants have flowered, they will start to produce new shoots, most have wonderful indumentum (fluff) on the lower surface of the leaves and tomentum on the upper...
Rhododendron Astrid
Lovely deep pink flowers with white throat, fading to pale pink. She flowers in May - June and has good glossy dark green foliage. Height 100-120cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group: yakushimanum.
Parentage: Fantastica x Hachmanns' Feuerschein.
Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1976)
Bred by: Hans Hachmann. Origin: Germany.
Habit: Compact bushy.
Evergreen Azalea Geisha Red
(H6) Multiple small bright red flowers in May. An interesting red evergreen azalea with low mounded habit, bred to withstand the cold winters in Germany. Height 40-60cm in 10 years.
W.Arends, (descendant of astilbe botanist Georg Arends (1863-1952)), bred the Geisha series of evergreen azaleas during the 1960's. (Haruko, Hiroko, Kazuko, Kumiko, Michiko a Takako).
Deciduous Azalea Hamlet
Stunning warm salmon orange flower with a striking dark reddish orange spotted flare. A Mollis type of Azalea flowering in May with good autumn colours. Height 140-160cm at 10 years. Requires a fairly sunny position.
Ideal for mixed borders.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Mollis hybrid).
Parentage: molle subsp. japonicum X molle subsp. molle.
Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1931).
Acer palmatum 'Wilson's Pink Dwarf'
(H6) New leaves emerge bright pink in spring, maturing to bright green in summer and turning red, orange and yellow in autumn. A smaller finely branched shrub. Grow in moisture-retentive, well-drained soil in a sheltered position, ideally in light shade. Height 75-100cm in 10 years
Enkianthus campanulatus AGM
(H5) A beautiful, deciduous shrub with two seasons of interest. From late spring to early summer it produces cascading clusters of small cream to pink flowers with darker pink margins/stripes from its branches. In the autumn the small dark green leaves turn flaming shades of yellow, orange and red. Prefers a position in dappled shade on moist, well-drained, acid soil. Approximate height of 100-150cm...
Rhododendron Yaku Incense
Wonderful deep pink buds open to yellowish white flowers with some yellow-green spotting in the throat with a lovely spicey scent. Flowering in mid May and with leaves that have sparse orange yellow indumentum on the underside. Height 60-80 cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group: yakushimanum.
Parentage: yakushimanum (s) X 'Lackamas Spice'.
Rhododendron Moonstone
(H5) Characterful lax trusses of yellow bell shaped flowers opening to creamy pink in April. Rounded mid green leaves. Raised by J C Williams, campylocarpum x williamsianum. Height 100-125cm in 10 years.
• Ideal for containers and small gardens.• Easy to grow.• Parentage: campylocarpum x williamsianum.• Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1958).• Bred by: J.C. Williams Origin: British.•...
Rhododendron Princess Alice FCC
(H4) Lovely scented white flowers, flushed pink on the outside. April-May flowering, on a plant with low growing habit. A tender variety best grown in a sheltered garden or cool conservatory. Height 75-100cm in 10 years. Best in moist well drained compost.
Recommended for the cool conservatory and its lovely scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: sheltered position in the garden or in...
Evergreen Azalea Merlin
Wonderful large pale mauvey purple flowers 65-75mm wide, with deeper speckles in May. This plant has dense twiggy growth and is sometimes nearly deciduous in cold climates in the winter. It is vigorous and has a broad spreading habit. Height 60-80cm in 10 years.
Ideal for smaller gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (Glenn Dale hybrid).
Parentage: yedoense var. poukhanense (s) X 'Modele'
Empathy After Plant - Organic Based Biostimulant & Feed
Empathy AFTER PLANT ERICACEOUS Organic based Bio stimulant & Feed is a liquid concentrate containing seaweed extract, plant derived amino acids, fortified with sequestered iron, specifically formulated to support acid-loving plants.The natural bio stimulants in Empathy AFTER PLANT ERICACEOUS are taken up by the plant and promote faster and stronger root and shoot growth. They will also promote...
Rhododendron Actress
(H3) Scented white flowers, stained red on the outside about 3 flowers per truss in April. Tender, so plant in sheltered spot or cool greenhouse. Prune hard after flowering. Height 75-100cm in 10 years.
This plant was recommended to us by Jim Gardiner, former Curator at Wisley, and Vice President of the RHS, who grew this at his house and kindly gave us some cuttings.
Raised by General Eric Harrison...
Vitax Epsom Salts 1.25kg
A rapid cure for magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is needed to produce chlorophyll and nice green leaves. This helps to avoid yellowing between the leaf veins. Apply as directed as a base dressing or liquid feed.
Vitax Sulphate of Iron 1kg
Can be used to reduce the alkalinity of soils. Helps to improve leaf colour and prevents yellowing.
Dwarf Rhododendron Shamrock
Image supplied and owned by Osberton Nurseries
(H6) Trusses holding between 5 to 9 funnel shaped pale-yellow flowers in April/May. A neat compact variety with a spreading habit great for front of boarders or pots. Prefers a sheltered position in full sun to partial shade. Height & width 50-75cm in years. Requires moist acid soil.
Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun, but they hate too much...
Erica x darleyensis 'Silberschmelze'
Also known as: Erica × darleyensis 'Molten Silver', Erica × darleyensis 'Alba', Erica darleyensis 'Silver Bells', Erica × darleyensis Molten Silver, Erica × darleyensis Silver Beads.(H5) An abundance of scented, white urn-shaped flowers from early winter into spring. An attractive variety with dark green foliage and creamy young growths in the spring. A spreading, evergreen...
Rhododendron Pubicostatum
(TALIENSIA H7) Trusses of light pink flowers. April-May. Excellent foliage with sparse brown indumentum on underside. Probably natural hybrid between R. bureavii and R. sikangense. Height 40-60 cm in 10 years.
Rhododendron Red Star (Bohlkens Roter Stern) INKARHO
(H6) Deep red buds opening to rich red flowers with a lighter centre in mid May.This lovely compact variety has deep matt green leaves and grows to be 90 – 125cm in 10 years. Plant with a good ericaceous compost. Requires moist free draining soil.
• Easy to grow.• Ideal position: Most garden situations• Habit: Dense.• Group: Hybrid.• Parentage: Anushka x Collective...
Camellia japonica 'Guilio Nuccio' AGM
Very large (up to 15cm) semi-double, rich deep coral pink flowers, April. Very floriferous; the blooms are smaller on small plants, but as the plant matures the wonderful velvety flowers become outstandingly lush and large. Vigorous upright habit, with weeping foliage. Winner of many international awards, and considered by many as one of the finest forms of Camellia japonicas raised. Height 140-150cm...
Rhododendron Centennial Gold
Image Copyright: ©Nova-Photo-Graphik GmbH
(H6) Pale pink to yellow buds opening into trusses with 16-25 bright yellow flowers each. This plant is a yakushimanum hybrid and as such tends to have a compact mound forming habit. Dark green glossy leaves with a light brown indumentum on the underside of each. Typical height 75-100cm in ten years.
• Ideal for containers and small gardens.•...
Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire'
(H5) A choice 'dogwood', forming a large spreading shrub. Orange-red & yellow young shoots with white flowers in the Summer. Bright coloured stems in the Winter. Height 200-400cm in 10 years. Moist acid or neutral soils.
Magnolia Shirazz
Images supplied and owned by Frank P Matthews
These trees sit at approximately 200-220cm not including the pot. They will come via Parcel Force on a 48 hour delivery due to height or they can be collected directly from the nursery.
Spectacular large rich burgundy red tulip shaped flowers that open out flat revealing a paler centre. April flowering. Bred in New Zealand, and considered one of the...
Elixir Gardens Sulphur Chips
Description taken from suppliers website:
Sulphur Chips gives your ericaceous plants the ideal soil pH and conditions to grow properly. They come in the form of an easy to scatter chip grade Sulphur. Many ericaceous plants will not grow, or will show signs of trace element deficiencies if the soil is not ideal for that plant. Most common ericaceous (lime-hating) plants will not grow in limey soils....
Rhododendron Cinnandrum
(H5) Deep pink flower buds opening to gorgeous light peachy pink bell-shaped flowers with a deeper yellow/ orange centre, in late May, early June. An upright shrub with a slightly open habit with dark green glossy foliage. Typical height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist free draining acid soil.
• Recommended for: Its interesting peach pink bell-shaped flowers.• Easy to grow.• Ideal...
Rhododendron Perfect Lady
This plant is a real gem. It has lovely foliage with good indumentum on the underside of the leaves and small trusses of pretty soft yellow bell-shaped flowers edged deep rose in late May. Highly desirable plant which starts flowering after 4 years - well worth the wait! Height 80-100cm in 10 years. Bred by F. E. W. Hanger, the Curator at the RHS Garden, Wisley.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Acer palmatum 'Dissectum'
(H5) Beautiful cut-leaf feathery mid green leaves, turning gold and orange in autumn.
Rounded compact habit, perfect for small gardens, containers and courtyards.
Takes sun or shade.
Height 1.5-2.0m in 10 years.
Best sheltered from cold winds.
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
(H6) Deep purple leaves divided into about 7 lobes, and becoming red in autumn, on a small tree of bushy habit. Inconspicuous red-purple flowers in spring may be followed by winged, purple fruits. Best planted in a sheltered position.
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Red Beauty'
(H5) A decidious clump forming fern with green lacy fronds, that as they mature, develop a silvery grey colouring, and a contrasting burgundy-red flush to the midribs and stems. Requires full/partial shade in a East, West or North facing poistion. Moist well drained Neutral or Acid soil. 0.5m high and 1m wide in 10 years
Campanula persicifolia
Image supplied and owned by Prenplants Sussex Limited
(H7) Loose spires of large, cup-shaped, lavender flowers appear on slender stems in early and mid-summer. A rosette forming perennial with narrow mid green toothed leaves. It's an ideal plant for the back of a mixed or herbaceous border, especially in partial shade. Prefers moist well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. 100cm high x 50cm...
Dryopteris erythrosora AGM
(H4) Dryopteris erythrosora AGM. Other common name: Japanese Shield Fern
A semi-evergreen fern, forming a compact clump of broadly ovate, bipinnatifid fronds, often coppery-pink when young slowly mature to dark green. Spore-heaps are also often pink.
Easy to grow in most cool, moist, lightly shaded sites and will grow in full sun if given plenty of moisture. Tolerant of dry shade but water regularly...
Dryoptheris erythrosora ‘Prolifica’
(H4) Dryoptheris erythrosora ‘Prolifica’. Other common name: Prolific Copper Shield Fern
An evergreen bushy fern forming a neat tuft of light green, rathery leathery, bipinnate fronds,, often pink-tinged when young, slowly turning green.
Easy to grow in most cool, moist, lightly shaded sites and will grow in full sun if given plenty of moisture. Tolerant of dry shade but water regularly...
Evergreen Azalea Geisha Pink
Images supplied and owned by Morley Nurseries Ltd
(H5) Lots of funnel-shaped, dark-pink flowers in May. A compact, bushy growing plant with a neat habit. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Best in partial shade but will cope well in full sun as long as the soil is not allowed to dry out. Requires moist acid soil.This shrub is semi-evergreen, so it can lose some of its leaves in winter. In colder regions...
Evergreen Azalea Snow Shine (Schneeglanz) STANDARD
(H6) Large white flowers up to 50mm across, with a yellow-green marking on the upper lobe, in May. A tough and easy growing plant.These Standards have a clear stem of approximately 40cm, with a nice colourful head measuring approximately 15-20cm now. You can expect the head to measure 60-80cm in 10 years. The stem should always be supported with a cane or small stake. Ideal for containers, but always...
Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro'
(H7) Deep red flower in long spikes in summer and autumn. Dark green, scale-like foliage on a spreading evergreen shrub. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well drained acidic soil. 45cm x 60cm in 5 years.
Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.