Best Sellers
Rhododendron Vulcan AGM
This is a stunning plant with tall trusses of fiery-red flowers in May-June. It has long leaves and forms a compact, dome shaped bush. It will perform best in a fairly sunny position but is tough and always reliable. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.Please note this variety has a broad habit, wider than its height. Specimen sizes will typically be measured across the spread of the plant.
Evergreen Azalea Geisha Orange
Wonderful bright reddish orange flowers around 25mm across. Flowering in late April and May, this is a really good orange evergreen azalea with a low mounded habit. Height 40-60cm in 10 years.
Registered name is Satschiko.
W.Arends, (descendant of astilbe botanist Georg Arends (1863-1952)), bred the Geisha series of evergreen azaleas during the 1960's. (Haruko, Hiroko, Kazuko, Kumiko, Michiko a Takako)....
Deciduous Azalea Summer Fragrance AGM
(H6) Very fragrant pale creamy yellow flowers with prominent vivid yellow blotch in June. Ideal for extending the flowering season. Another late flowering azalea raised by the renowned Denny Pratt with good autumn colour. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.
Recommended for beautiful and highly scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Pratt occidentale hybrid).
Parentage: occidentale X...
Deciduous Azalea Chelsea Reach AGM
(H6) Very attractive shades of creamy yellow flowers, which are flushed pink, during mid-late May. A double flowered Ghent type azalea from the famous Knap Hill Nurseries, with wonderful red orange autumn foliage. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid soils.
Bred by the late Donald Waterer.
Recommended for attractive flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knap Hill hybrid).
Azaleodendron Ria Hardijzer
Lovely small (20mm) vivid purplish red flowers with faint spots in a compact truss of 19 to 25. This is an unusual hybrid between a rhododendron and an evergreen azalea, but it has more of an appearance and habit of an evergreen azalea, though it can look a little sparse in winter. It is worth pruning hard after flowering to keep the plant looking nice and bushy. It is hardy, but dislikes too much...
Evergreen Azalea Arctic Fox
(H5) Spectacular pure white 60mm large open funnel shaped flowers with a wavy edge in May, on a fairly compact growing evergreen azalea with matt green hairy leaves. A recent variety that was bred in Scotland for tougher conditions. Height 50-60cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and most garden situations, including rock gardens and front of borders.
Easy to grow.
Group: Evergreen Azalea
Rhododendron Mount Everest
Superb pure white flowers with red-brown speckling in the throat. This is a showy plant that is very free flowering in May and faintly scented. Mid-green leaves on a dense, bushy vigorous plant. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.This is a great plant that is ideal for hedging and screening.
Recommended for: Wonderful pure white flowers.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
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Rhododendron orbiculare (Hydon BH1786) AGM
(FORTUNEA H6) Rose or purplish-pink bell shaped flowers in a loose truss. April-May. Distinct bright green rounded leaves with heart shaped base. Height 80-120cm in 10 years. Best in a fairly sunny spot.
Recommended for distinctive foliage.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: most sunny garden situations.
Habit: compact and dense.
Group: Species Rhododendron.
Subsection: Fortunea.
Introduction date:...
Rhododendron Brigitte INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Very pretty pale pink flowers with a darker pink edge in late May and early June. This plant has fine shiny foliage and has a compact habit, growing wider than tall. Height 100-120cm in 10 years.Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment.
Recommended for: Pretty flowers and good foliage.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations,...
Rhododendron argyrophyllum 'Chinese Silver' AGM
Red in bud, opening to excellent clear pink bell-shaped flowers, with a darker flushing. Flowering in early May argyrophyllum Chinese Silver is an excellent clone that has attractive dark green silver-backed leaves. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.
Recommended for wonderful foliage.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: sheltered woodland.
Habit: tree-like.
Group: Species Rhododendron.
Subsection: Argyrophylla.
Rhododendron Loderi Pink Coral
Pale coral pink highly scented flowers with a brownish purple blotch flowering in early May. A tall growing woodland plant that requires shelter and protection from strong wind. Height 180cm in 10 years.
This is one of the deepest pink clones of Loderi, but like all of them, the flowers will fade to pale pinky-white after a few days, but the lovely scent remains.
Recommended for: Strongly scented...
Magnolia stellata
A lovely plant with pure white, large, star-shaped scented flowers in March and April. A native of Japan where it is found in mountain woodland, it is a slow growing small tree or large shrub which rarely exceeds 3m in height. Best in acid or neutral soil, in sun or part shade. Protect from late spring frosts when young, as these can kill every bud, and hence the plant.
Deciduous Azalea Juniduft
Image supplied and owned by H. Hachmann
(H6) Sweetly scented stunning two tone pale pink funnel shaped flowers, that have a wonderful yellow spotted upper lobe, appear in late May early June. The new growth come through bronze in colour and turns deep green as the season progresses. Height 125-150cm in ten years.
• Recommended for: Gorgeous scented flowers.• Easy...
Dwarf Rhododendron calostrotum keleticum (Rock 58) AGM
This is a real dwarf gem with lovely flatish crimson purple flowers held above the foliage in May/June. It has deep green shiny leaves forming a low mounded shrub and we believe that Rock 58 (R58) is the finest form of this subspecies. Height up to 30cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly...
Rhododendron Belkanto INKARHO
(H6) Yellow orange buds opening to pale yellow flowers with wavy edges, tinged pale yellowish-pink with green spotting on the upper lobe, in a ball-shaped truss of 14-17. May flowering. Medium green slightly curved foliage, on a plant with a broad compact habit, and growing to a height of 125-150cm in 10 years.
• Recommended for: Neat habit, yellow flowers• Easy to grow.• Ideal position:...
Deciduous Azalea Niamh
(H6) Wonderful large deep pink flowers with a prominent orange-yellow flare on the upper petal, in late May. Stunning red foliage develops through the summer. Height is 150cm in 10 years. It does require a fairly sunny position.
This is a lovely plant which was bred by Ted Millais, and always attracted attention in the garden with its deep pink flowers, set off by lovely red foliage. For years we...
Deciduous Azalea Thomas David
Launched at our Gold Medal winning exhibit at RHS CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW 2011.
A striking deep rosy red double pompom type of flower displayed as large globes during mid to late May. A particularly fine new flower, and a rare double red. Grows best in light dappled shade or full sun. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
This is one of 4 lovely 'Homebush' hybrids bred by noted New Forest Azalea breeder George...
Evergreen Azalea Frosted Orange
This is a lovely plant with stunning large white flowers with a wide orange/reddish border. The flowers are up to 75mm wide, showing themselves later in the season in late May and June. It has a low mounding habit and is tolerant of more heat. Height 60-75cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens. Late flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (American hybrid).
Parentage: 'Bunka'...
Camellia japonica 'Volunteer'
(H5) Strawberry pink anemone shaped flowers 8cm across, 4cm deep, edged white. A large flowered japonica hybrid, early to late in season. Slow growing with upright bushy habit, ideal for the smaller garden, either in pots or soil. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid compost.
Raised by specialist breeder Mark Jury, New Zealand 2003
Rhododendron Nofretete
(H6) Bright red flowers, white in the throat, with red-brown spotting on the dorsal lobe, fading paler with age in May. A great foliage plant, neat habit. Bred Bruns (Germany) 1961. Height 100-125cm in 10 years. Please note this variety can be shy to flower, so you may need to wait 2-3 years.
• Ideal for containers and small gardens.• Easy to grow.• Parentage: ‘El Alamein’...
Evergreen Azalea Hachmann's Rokoko
Very attractive double (50mm), hose in hose pink flowers in May. This is a gorgeous neat, small and compact growing plant with fine glossy rounded leaves that turn purplish red in winter. Exceptionally tough. Height and spread 40 x 70cm in 10 years.
Registered as 'Hachmann's Rokoko' but also known as Rhododendron Rokoko.
Ideal for small gardens and rock gardens. Very tough.
Easy to grow.
Magnolia x loebneri 'Leonard Messel' AGM
Lovely lilac buds open to beautiful star-like flowers with a pink flush. This is a very free flowering plant in April that makes a magnificent shrub or small tree. The flowers emerge before the foliage. An extremely popular shrub for the smaller garden that will perform best in full sun, and will tolerate any reasonable soil except waterlogged.
Magnolia kobus was hybridised with M.stellata by Max...
Evergreen Azalea Dear Grandma
(H4) Large, wavy edged deep pink flowers, with speckling in throat flowering mid to late May. This would make a lovely present for Grandma! Height 60 - 80cm in 10 years.
Raised by the late Dorset Azalea breeder, George Hyde and introduced by his daughter Rosemary Legrand.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea...
Rhododendron Cassata
Striking pinnacles of pale lavender pink flowers with a conspicuous red blotch open in early June helping to extend the main flowering season by a couple of weeks. The new leaves open pale green before going glossy dark green. This plant grows to around 150cm high and equally as wide...
Rhododendron Fabia (FCC form) AGM
This is one of our favourite orange plants. It has deep orange bell-shaped flowers in loose trusses during May. A compact growing plant, which is best in a light shadey position. The underside of the leaves have a fawn suede-like indumentum underneath. Height 120-140cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: pretty flowers and great foliage.
Plantsman range.
Ideal position: Dappled shade.
Habit: Open.
Rhododendron Red Jack
Attractive ruby red flowers in a tall conical truss during mid May. This is a good solid red that catches the eye. Bred at Boskoop Research Station, Holland, we think it is a lovely plant. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Good strong red.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Parentage: 'Wilgen's Ruby'...
Deciduous Azalea Golden Sunset AGM
Lovely orange red buds open to light yellow flowers that are tinged orange, with an orange flare in the throat. Large flowers up to 65mm across in a truss of 30 flowers, appearing in late May. This plant has light green foliage slightly tinged bronze with good autumn colours. Best in a sunny position with light shade. Height 150cm in 10 years.Raised by Exbury and sold to Waterer's Nursery who introduced...
Deciduous Azalea Snow's Head
(H6) Almost pure white star shaped double flowers, forming large white balls of sweetly scented flowers in early May. Each flower is between 35 – 45mm and all the stamens are petaloid, adding more floral impact. This plant has lush bright green foliage and a broadly upright habit. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.A stunning plant bred and registered in Germany by top rhododendron breeder Holger Hachmann...
Evergreen Azalea Scout
(H5) Large light orangey red flowers in late April and early May. A Glenn Dale Azalea from America which grows broader than tall in habit. A good strong growing plant. Height 50-75cm in 10 years.
• Ideal for containers, most garden situations and front of borders.• Easy to grow.• Group: Evergreen Azalea.• Parentage: ‘Malvaticum’ (s) X indicum (deep salmon-flowered...
Bulrush Professional Ericaceous Compost Deal 30 x 60L Bags
This is a BULK PALLET DEAL for 30 x 60L bags of Bulrush Professional Ericaceous compost at £5.95 each, saving over 14% (Same bags are £6.95 each when bought as singles). This compost will be delivered on non returnable wooden pallet by 18 tonne lorry with a tail lift. The full pallet will weigh just under 1/2 tonne, so be prepared for some heavy lifting! PLEASE ONLY ORDER IF YOU HAVE GOOD...
Deciduous Azalea Ilam Melford Lemon
Strong golden yellow flowers with a buttery golden flare, which contrasts with reddish new foliage. Long lasting scented flowers in May - June and superb red autumn foliage. the flowers are large up to 85mm across, 10 to 12 per truss. Bred in New Zealand. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for stunning scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid).
Evergreen Azalea Shiko Lavender
(H4) Choice large lavender pink flowers in May, with tan coloured spotting in the throat, on a neat and compact growing plant. Variable flowers, with sports of white or lavender on the same plant, and occasional petaloid stamens to add greater interest! Height 25-50cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and most garden situations, including rock gardens and front of borders. Suitable for bonsai.
Magnolia Fairy White
Raised by the New Zealand breeder Mark Jury (who also brought us Magnolia Black Tulip), this wonderful new magnolia produces an abundance of white flowers along the length of its stems in spring. Unlike many of the other spring-flowering types, the foliage of this magnolia is mainly evergreen, although it may shed its leaves in colder winters. It makes a fine stand-alone specimen, especially in smaller...
Deciduous Azalea Midsummer Coral
(H6) Stunning scented coral pink flowers with a prominent yellow orange flare. Raised by Ted Millais at Crosswater Farm, particularly to extend the flowering season. Flowering in late June with lovely light green foliage. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.
This lovely plant is as a result of the breeding work Ted did with Denny Pratt's later flowering azaleas. Denny specialised in breeding late flowering...
Rhododendron Queen Bee
**** As launched by us at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019****
(H5) Rosy-pink in bud, opening to pinky white bell shaped flowers in April. A wonderful foliage plant with lovely fawn indumentum especially on new growth in June-July, turning brown underneath and silvery on top. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. A beautiful rhododendron with a very promising future. This combines the lovely fawn indumentum from...
Dwarf Rhododendron Blue Silver
A wonderful dwarf plant with very early purple blue flowers in March. We love its attractive silvery blue foliage. Height 60-90cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly if planting in containers. This variety is extremely tough and likes shade.
Recommended for containers, small...
Rhododendron Tortoiseshell Champagne AGM
Gorgeous pale yellow flowers with a deeper centre tinged pink in June. A compact dome shaped plant, growing wider than tall. It does need some shelter and will perform best in some shade. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.As with all yellow Rhododendrons, this plant does need good drainage (but not dry conditions!). Also known as 'Champagne'.
Recommended for: pretty yellow flowers.
Plantsman range.
Dwarf Rhododendron Crane AGM
With lovely pure creamy white flowers this pretty plant flowers in April. It is tough and very floriferous - a very popular plant that forms a neat dwarf mound. Height 40-60cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly if planting in containers. This is a tough plant and we think one of...
Rhododendron Germania INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! This is an outstanding plant introduced from Hobbie in Germany, with huge buds opening to deep pink flowers in a large upright truss during late May. It has an excellent habit, is tough and has large pale green rounded leaves. Tends to grow wider than it is tall. Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment.
Recommended for: Striking...
Camellia japonica 'Dr King'
(H5) Large semi double rosy red flowers with prominent yellow stamens in the centre. Long flowering in Spring. Strong growing upright habit with dark green glossy leaves. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Best in moist acid soils.
Rhododendron oreotrephes 'Pentland' AGM
Wonderful clone with deep mauve flowers with a paler centre in April-May. A very desirable species with beautiful sea-green foliage which is highly recommended. This selection was obtained from the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh by Peter Cox and introduced in 1990. R. oreotrephes Pentland has a tidy upright habit. Height 75-100cm in 10 years.
Recommended for wonderful foliage.
Easy to grow.
Rhododendron Silver Jubilee AGM
Silver Jubilee has large trusses of sparkling greenish white flowers with a crimson eye. Flowering in June, this plant is an excellent hybrid from the old Hydon Nurseries near Godalming. It has attractive glossy pale green leaves, but can be a little shy to flower when young; - worth waiting for! Height 80-100cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group: yakushimanum.
Rhododendron Wilgen's Ruby
Nice deep red flowers with brown spotting on the upper lobes. Flowering in late May it has a good compact habit. Height 120-150cm in 10 years.Wilgins Ruby would make the perfect gift for a Ruby Wedding Anniversary!
Recommended for: Good red with tidy habit.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Parentage: 'Britannia' X 'John Walter'.
Rhododendron Flanagans Daughter
Flanagan's Daughter has stunning clear pink flowers opening to white, with a prominent crimson blotch. It makes a showy truss during late May to mid June. Well blotched yakushimanum hybrids are rare, and we think this is one of the best. Particularly as this plant has a lovely orange/yellow indumentum below the leaf. Wonderful. Height 80-120cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Rhododendron Boddaertianum
(H6) Pink in bud opening to pure white flowers with a ray of crimson purple spots in a good upright truss during May. Long narrow dark green leaves with a thin brown indumentum on lower surface of leaves. Forms a large tree-like shrub. Height 175-200cm in 10 years. A really old and historic hybrid which still holds its own against newer varieties, and is suitable for large gardens with space for...
Rhododendron makinoi AGM (best narrow leaf)
A stunning plant with compact trusses of pinky white flowers in May and June. This selection has interesting long recurved leaves and dense fawn indumentum on the underside and lovely wooly young shoots. It benefits from staking and is certainly worth growing for it's wonderful foliage. As the name suggests, we think this is our best makinoi selection! Height 80-100cm in 10 years.
Recommended for...
Rhododendron Kluis Sensation AGM
(H5) Strong red with crimson spotting, in wide funnel shaped slightly frilled flowers, on a compact globular truss in May. A compact plant and fairly slow growing, with concave leaves. Tolerates sun and heat, and has been a recommended variety to survive the heat in Australia! Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
• Recommended for: Hedging/screening, tough variety.• Easy to grow.• Ideal position:...