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Cornus kousa Miss Satomi  AGM
Cornus kousa Miss Satomi AGM
The 12 litre plants sit at approximaltey 120-140cm not including the pot. (H6) A choice medium sized 'dogwood', with a spreading habit, covered with lovely pinky red flower bracts in June. Excellent rich autumn colours of orange and red. Best in full sun, in moist acid or neutral soils, this makes a fantastic garden plant. Named after the grand-daughter of a Japanese nurseryman.
from £39.95
Rhododendron Caucasicum PictumRhododendron Caucasicum Pictum
Rhododendron Caucasicum Pictum
A great tough plant that grows well where others might struggle. With frilly pink flowers and dark blotch in a tight truss this one flowers in April. We always find this has larger roots than any other variety but it forms a neat dense domed bush. It's an old trusted variety that is ideal for hedging or screening. Height 140-160cm in 10 years. Recommended for: Early flower and Hedging/screening. Easy...

Evergreen Azalea Salmon's LeapEvergreen Azalea Salmon's Leap
Evergreen Azalea Salmon's Leap
One of the few variegated Evergeen azaleas that we think is worth a place in any garden with excellent deep pink flowers during May. Stunning and beautiful variegated foliage, especially in Spring. It does require a more sheltered position and protection from severe frosts. Height 40-60cm in 10 years. Ideal for stunning foliage. Plantsman range. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Kurume hybrid). Parentage:...
Rhododendron insigne AGM
A great plant with stunning pink bell shaped flowers with crimson spotting in May - June. It has distinctive pointed deep green glossy leaves with a silver/coppery metallic sheen on the underside. This is a tough plant with a neat bushy habit, particularly if grown in plenty of light. It does benefit from deadheading after flowering. Height 80 to 100cm in 10 years. Recommended for good foliage and...
Was £29.95 Now £22.95

Rhododendron uvariifolium 'Reginald Childs'Rhododendron uvariifolium 'Reginald Childs'
Rhododendron uvariifolium 'Reginald Childs'
Pretty pinky white bell shaped flowers, with a dark central blotch in a large truss of 12 to 18 flowers, in March - April. This is a handsome foliage plant with silvery woolly indumentum on the underside of the leaves and wonderful silver new growth. Height 150-180 cm in 10 years. A choice clone of R. uvariifolium introduced by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Wakehurst Place, and registered in 1976. Sometimes...
Rhododendron Crest  AGMRhododendron Crest  AGM
Rhododendron Crest AGM
Orangey buds open to glowing long-lasting clear primrose yellow flowers in May. This beautiful plant has deep green shiny leaves and has long been considered one of the best yellow hybrids. As with all yellow Rhododendrons, this plant does need good drainage (but not dry conditions!) especially in winter. It prefers a little shelter. Height 140-160cm in 10 years. Recommended for: stunning yellow...

Dwarf Rhododendron Azurika
Dwarf Rhododendron Azurika
Image supplied and owned by Heinje (H5) A profusion of bright azure-blue flowers in small trusses, flowering in April. Tiny dark green leaves on a neat compact growing and very hardy plant, raised in Northern Germany. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. • Recommended for: small gardens and containers.• Easy to grow.• Ideal position: Sun or Semi-shade.• Habit: Compact.• Group:...
Rhododendron Karl Naue INKARHO
Rhododendron Karl Naue INKARHO
(H6) Strong red flowers in a domed truss, with dark red spotting on dorsal lobe, and prominent white filaments. Mid May-June flowering, set off with good dark green foliage. A tough plant from Hachmann, in Northern Germany. Height 150-175cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid soils. Introduced: Holger Hachmann 2007Etymology: named for the 71st birthday of the head of the Dittersdorf Baumschulen, Amtsberg...

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Garnet'  AGM
Acer palmatum dissectum 'Garnet' AGM
Red dissected leaves which hold their colour well through the summer. The best leaf colour occurs in a sunny location. Weeping habit, vigorous when young, which forming a mound shaped plant about 3 metres high at maturity. Red autumn colour.
from £34.95
Rhododendron Tidbit  AGM
Rhododendron Tidbit AGM
This stunning plant has cherry red buds which open to soft yellow, well textured flowers with red throats. Flowering in late May it has good dark foliage with shiny pointed leaves on a compact plant. Raised in Oregon in America. Height 80-100cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Easy to grow. Group: yakushimanum. Parentage: dichroanthum (s) X wardii. Hybridization date: pre...

Deciduous Azalea Toucan
Deciduous Azalea Toucan
Beautiful cream coloured flowers in May-June. We think this is one of the best creams available with good autumn leaf colour. Large flowers up to 90mm across. Height 140-160cm in 10 years. Recommended for lovely cream flowers. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid). Parentage: unknown. Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1941). Bred by: Waterer (Knap Hill). Origin: British. Habit:...
Acer shirasawanum 'Jordan'
Acer shirasawanum 'Jordan'
New leaves appear a lovely pastel orange, turning to bright creamy yellow in summer, with red seeds that push up above the leaves. Provides a good splash of colour in the garden or containers. Hardy, with good sun tolerance. Height 200-400cm in 10 years. Best in well drained acid soil.
from £34.95

Deciduous Azalea Summer SunshineDeciduous Azalea Summer Sunshine
Deciduous Azalea Summer Sunshine
(H6) Beautiful creamy yellow flowers with a prominent dark yellow blotch on the upper lobe and interesting crinkly edged flowers. A super fragrant plant with long lasting flowers in June. It will perform best in light shade. Height 120-150cm in 10 years. Another Denny Pratt hybrid that was collect by Ted Millais from Dunham Massey National Trust garden where it was labelled 'DP122A'. Recommended...
Magnolia Fairy Cream
Magnolia Fairy Cream
Raised by the New Zealand breeder Mark Jury (who also brought us Magnolia Black Tulip), this wonderful new magnolia produces an abundance of cream flowers along the length of its stems in spring. Unlike many of the other spring-flowering types, the foliage of this magnolia is mainly evergreen, although it may shed its leaves in colder winters. It makes a fine stand-alone specimen, especially in smaller...

Dwarf Rhododendron Baden Baden AGM
Dwarf Rhododendron Baden Baden AGM
Wonderful deep cherry red waxy textured flowers with some spotting and veining, in April. A very floriferous little plant bred by Hobbie and named after the German town. Leaves are dark green and distinctive, being pointed and twisted. This plant prefers to grow in cooler locations rather than hot sunny positions. Its habit is wider than tall, with a height of 40-60cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons...
Deciduous Azalea GingerDeciduous Azalea Ginger
Deciduous Azalea Ginger
A striking plant with brilliant orange flowers with golden upper petal. It flowers about a week earlier than most Exbury type azaleas, so it's lovely in starting the Exbury azalea flowering season in mid May. Height 120-150cm in 10 years. Ideal for mixed borders. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid). Parentage: unknown. Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1947). Bred by: Exbury. Origin:...

Dwarf Rhododendron Cream CrestDwarf Rhododendron Cream Crest
Dwarf Rhododendron Cream Crest
Lovely bright creamy yellow flowers in April. With a dense compact spreading habit this plant has great glossy deep green foliage. The flowers may need protection from spring frosts. Height 40-50cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly if planting in containers. Recommended for...
Deutzia x rosea Yuki Cherry BlossomDeutzia x rosea Yuki Cherry Blossom
Deutzia x rosea Yuki Cherry Blossom
(H5) A profusion of creamy white flowers with pink outer edging in April-May, like a carpet of cherry blossom on a neat compact plant. Burgundy autumn foliage colour. Ideal for containers. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Best in full sun or dappled shade.

Maxicrop Seaweed plus Iron
Maxicrop Seaweed plus Iron
Maxicrop Seaweed extract is a natural product with added sequestered iron for rapid correction of yellow leaves and iron deficiency. We like this product and use it on the nursery to green up our plants. Improvement can often be seen within days during the spring. Apply as directed as a liquid foliar feed.
Rhododendron Exbury Calstocker
Rhododendron Exbury Calstocker
Huge white flowers marked with a crimson blotch, in large trusses. A stunning early April flowering hybrid with impressive strong handsome looking foliage, perfect in a sheltered woodland situation. Height 180cm in 10 years. Recommended for: stunning early white flowers. Plantsman range. Ideal position: Sheltered woodland. Habit: Open. Group: Hybrid Rhododendron. Parentage: calophytum (s) X...

Rhododendron rex  AGMRhododendron rex  AGM
Rhododendron rex AGM
Wonderful pale rose or white flowers with a crimson blotch in April-May on a plant that will eventually make a small tree. One of our favourites, it has 30-40cm shiny dark green leaves with a pale buff woolly indumentum beneath. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. Awarded the AGM in 2013, this is one of the toughest and most reliable of all big leaved species. Big leaved rhododendrons have great architectural...
Deciduous Azalea Soft Lights
Deciduous Azalea Soft Lights
(H6) Rich pink in bud, opening to enormous double blooms of pastel pink and shades of soft cream. This gives a variable two tone effect in late May with different colours on different flowers. An outstanding introduction from New Zealand. Best in light shade. Height 150-175cm in 10 years. Raised by Denis Hughes, a noted rhododendron breeder from Blue Mountain Nurseries, in the South of New Zealand....

Rhododendron Stadt Essen
Rhododendron Stadt Essen
Stadt Essen has gorgeous clear-pink flowers with a deeper edging flowering in April. A particularly good and hardy williamsianum hybrid from Hobbie's Nursery and Garden in Northern Germany, with deep green rounded foliage which is bronzed when young. R. williamsianum hybrids are renowned for their rounded leaves which make them an interesting addition to any garden. They will also tolerate slightly...
Hydrangea paniculata Limelight  AGM
Hydrangea paniculata Limelight AGM
(H5) Panicles form a dense broad cone, entirely green at first. Sterile florets open pale lime green, later white. A slight pink flush deepens to give pink and green colours. This plant is a robust and upright spreading selection with distinctive colouring. Height 150-175cm in 10 years. Best in moist sunny positions. For large panicles, the laterals should be pruned back to within 5-8cm of the previous...

Rhododendron Catawbiense Boursault
Rhododendron Catawbiense Boursault
(H7) Deep lilac purple buds opening to long lasting funnel shaped soft lilac purple flowers, with a small amount of reddish or pale brown markings in the upper lobe, create dense trusses opening in late May and carrying on well into June.This vigorous tough variety makes the perfect rhododendron for hedging and screening as it forms a lovely dense plant, easily growing between 175-200cm in 10 years...
Rhododendron Marlis  AGMRhododendron Marlis  AGM
Rhododendron Marlis AGM
Fantastic red buds open to rose pink flowers with paler centres and star-shaped white lines. This plant flowers in May, buds up young and is neat growing. This is a consistently reliable plant and one that we would recommend. Height 80-120cm in 10 years. The registered name is 'Hachmann's Marlis'. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Easy to grow. Group: yakushimanum. Parentage: Mars X yakushimanum...

Rhododendron W.F.H.  AGMRhododendron W.F.H.  AGM
Rhododendron W.F.H. AGM
Waxy scarlet red funnel-shaped flowers in April to May which hold their colour well. Probably one of the best reds. WFH has dark green leaves with thick buff indumentum underneath the leaf, and a thinner coating on the upper surface when young. It is a lovely neat compact plant that has a spreading habit. Height 80-100cm in 10 years.It may seem a strange name for a plant, but it was named after W F...
Rhododendron Maroon Sappho
Rhododendron Maroon Sappho
(H6) Lilac in bud opening to white flowers with a lilac flush, and a prominent maroon red flare on the upper lobe. Late May flowering. A strong growing plant with a neat habit. Height 150-175cm in 10 years. This is a neat and much more manageable plant for most gardens than the well known R. Sappho, which is too large and sprawly for many gardens. Although the Maroon Sappho flower is a little smaller,...

Rhododendron Viscy  AGM  INKARHORhododendron Viscy  AGM  INKARHO
Rhododendron Viscy AGM INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Long lasting whisky coloured flowers with distinctive dark red spotting. A superb plant that flowers early to mid May which is set off by dark shiny round leaves. This is a tough plant, well worth a place in any garden. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.The German word for 'Whisky', and it gives longer lasting pleasure than a bottle of the hard stuff!Plant with plenty...
from £29.95
Cornus kousa 'China Girl' AGM
Cornus kousa 'China Girl' AGM
The 12 litre plants sit at approximaltey 160-175cm not including the pot. They will come via Parcel Force on a 48 hour delivery due to their height or they can be collected directly from the nursery. A choice strong growing 'dogwood', with a profusion of lovely white flower bracts in June. Excellent autumn colours. Best in full sun. Height 2 - 4 metres in 10 years. Grow in acid or neutral soils.
from £39.95

Rhododendron Sennocke
Rhododendron Sennocke
Beautiful deep waxy-red funnel shaped flowers in late May. This is a low growing bushy compact plant with glossy bright green pointed leaves. Height 100-120cm in 10 years. Recommended for: Striking flower and interesting foliage. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden situations. Habit: Dense. Group: Hybrid Rhododendron. Parentage: Register states 'unknown', but an old Hydon Nurseries catalogue...
Evergreen Azalea Geisha PurpleEvergreen Azalea Geisha Purple
Evergreen Azalea Geisha Purple
Pretty small light reddish-purple hose in hose flowers (approximately 20mm) in May which are very floriferous. A very hardy compact growing plant bred to withstand the cold in Germany. Height and spread 40-60cm in 10 years. Also known as Geisha Purpurrosa and registered name is Fumiko W.Arends, (descendant of astilbe botanist Georg Arends (1863-1952)), bred the Geisha series of evergreen azaleas...

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Eucryphia intermedia Rostrevor AGM
(H4) An abundance of white cup shaped fragrant flowers in late summer early autumn. A compact but fast growing evergreen tree with broad upright habit. Needs a warm and sheltered position, Prefers shaded roots with the canopy in full sun. Height 2-4m in 10 years. Plant in moist acid or neutral soils.
Hybrid Mystery Box (4 x 5 litre plants)
Special Offer
Hybrid Mystery Box (4 x 5 litre plants)
Picture for illustration only. Colours will vary. What will you get? Here's a great offer for any bargain hunters! This box deal is for 4 hybrid rhododendrons supplied in 5L pots which should grow to about 150-200cm tall in 10 years. These plants are slight seconds, slightly mis-shaped or last seasons stock, but still come with our guarantee. Customers return to us year after year and say how pleased...
Was £99.80 Now £40.00

Rhododendron BremenRhododendron Bremen
Rhododendron Bremen
Glowing deep pink flowers in a loose truss appear in April. This plant has bright silvery green leaves and is neat and compact. It is hardy, but needs a sheltered site. Height 40-60cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Easy to grow. Group: williamsianum. Parentage: unknown x williamsianum Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1945) Bred by: D G Hobbie. Origin: German. Habit: Compact...
Evergreen Azalea GaietyEvergreen Azalea Gaiety
Evergreen Azalea Gaiety
Beautiful large pale pink flowers with a darker blotch (the flowers are 50-75mm wide). Flowering in May, early to mid season, this plant has a broad rounded habit. The American Glenn Dale hybrids were bred for their larger flower and ability to be cold hardy. This plant was voted one of the 'Top 20' in the Glen Dale hybrids survey of 1980. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small...

Rhododendron Alice  AGM
Rhododendron Alice AGM
Deep pink flowers fading to pale rose and almost to white in a sunny site. Tall growing and sun tolerant. Height 180cm in 10 years. Recommended for: beautiful flowers. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden situations. Habit: Dense. Group: Hardy Hybrid. Parentage: derived from griffithianum. Hybridization date: pre 1950 (pre 1910). Bred by: Waterer (Bagshot). Origin: British. Tolerant...
Dwarf Rhododendron SnipeDwarf Rhododendron Snipe
Dwarf Rhododendron Snipe
Pretty pale pink flowers shaded pale violet and purple, with magenta spotting, paling towards white after a couple of weeks, flowering in April. This is a very free-flowering plant with pale green leaves on a dense compact grower. Height 40-60cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly...

Deciduous Azalea ImagoDeciduous Azalea Imago
Deciduous Azalea Imago
Lovely deep yellow double flowers, tinged purplish red flowering in late May. One of Donald Waterer's later hybrids but still rare. Height 150cm in 10 years. Recommended gorgeous flowers. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid). Parentage: unknown. Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1959). Bred by: Waterer (Bagshot). Origin: British. Habit: compact. Ideal position: Most sunny garden...
Rhododendron Blaue Jungs INKARHO
Rhododendron Blaue Jungs INKARHO
Deep mauve blue flowers with a prominent chocolate blotch on the upper lobe. Mid to late May flowering. A very tough plant and striking plant from Germany. Height 150-175cm in 10 years. A tough plant which translates to 'Blue Boys' in English. Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment. Recommended for: Hedging/screening. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden...

Rhododendron Barnaby Sunset
Rhododendron Barnaby Sunset
Pretty pale yellow flowers in April. This plant has an upright habit with small oval deep green glossy foliage. Height 100-125cm in 10 years. Recommended for small gardens and mixed borders. Easy to grow. Ideal position: most garden situations, needs good drainage. Habit: upright. Group: Rhododendron hybrid. Parentage: unknown. Hybridization date: unknown (pre 1994). Bred...
from £18.95
Deciduous Azalea canadense 'album'Deciduous Azalea canadense 'album'
Deciduous Azalea canadense 'album'
Dainty white flowers appearing before the lovely bluish green leaves. Flowering in April-May, it is a low plant which thrives in damp conditions. It is tough with a low upright stolloniferous habit. Height 120cm in 10 years. It prefers a fairly sunny position. Ideal for more damp conditions, flowers earlier than most. Easy to grow. Ideal position: damp conditions but likes some sun. Habit: upright. Group:...

Deciduous Azalea Strawberry Ice  AGMDeciduous Azalea Strawberry Ice  AGM
Deciduous Azalea Strawberry Ice AGM
Lovely deep pink in bud opening to flesh pink flowers mottled deeper at the edges with a golden flare. Flowering in large trusses of 23 flowers up to 70mm across in May - June. It has bronzy young growth with good autumn colour. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. Ideal for mixed borders. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid). Parentage: unknown. Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1947). Bred...
Deciduous Azalea Pamela MaryDeciduous Azalea Pamela Mary
Deciduous Azalea Pamela Mary
(H6) Deep pink in bud, opening to pink with a large orange flare, giving a lovely and distinctive two tone effect, then becoming glowing pale orange throughout. Stunning large flowers in late May, on a plant with a strong upright habit. This was raised by noted Dorset nurseryman, George Hyde, who also raised the Solent strain of azaleas for Exbury Gardens. It was selected and named by his daughter...

Rhododendron HoteiRhododendron Hotei
Rhododendron Hotei
A stunning plant with trusses of rich yellow flowers with deeper shading flowering in early May. One of the best yellow rhododendrons, against which all others are judged. Flowering can be shy, but normally starts when the plant is 4 years old. It has a dense compact habit and performs best in partial shade. Height 140-160cm in 10 years. As with all yellow Rhododendrons, this plant does need good drainage...
Magnolia stellata 'Waterlily'  AGMMagnolia stellata 'Waterlily'  AGM
Magnolia stellata 'Waterlily' AGM
A selected form of Magnolia stellata with large pure white star-shaped scented flowers March and April. A slow growing shrub which rarely exceeds 3m in height. Protect from late spring frosts when young.

Rhododendron Endsleigh PinkRhododendron Endsleigh Pink
Rhododendron Endsleigh Pink
Very attractive pale rose flowers in a small truss flowering in April/May. An arboreum hybrid from Endsleigh Gardens in Devon which forms a large upright shrub with attractive foliage. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. Recommended for: pretty early flower. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden situations. Habit: Dense. Group: Hybrid Rhododendron. Parentage: arboreum hybrid. Hybridization date:...
Pieris japonica Little HeathPieris japonica Little Heath
Pieris japonica Little Heath
(H5) Pink flowers in spring on a neat compact growing plant with small variegated leaves, cream edging, pink new growth. Flowers best in a light airey position. Ideal for patio pots. Height 100-125cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid soil.
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