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Rhododendron Silver EdgeRhododendron Silver Edge
Rhododendron Silver Edge
An interesting variegated plant with distinctive silver leaf edging. It has soft lavender blue flowers in May to June. A dense and fast growing, tough plant. Height 180+ cm in 10 years.This plant is ideal for hedging and screening. It is vigorous and tolerates sun. Recommended for: Hedging/screening. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden situations. Habit: Dense. Group: Hardy Hybrid. Parentage:...
Deciduous Azalea Klondyke  AGMDeciduous Azalea Klondyke  AGM
Deciduous Azalea Klondyke AGM
Red orange in bud opening to one of the best bright golden yellow flowers in May - June. This fine deciduous azalea has coppery red new growth and good autumn colour. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. Requires a fairly sunny position. Recommended for one of the best yellow flowers. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid). Parentage: unknown Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1947). Bred...
from £23.95

Rhododendron GraffitoRhododendron Graffito
Rhododendron Graffito
(H7) This fantastic plant was bred by Hans Hachmann in Northern Germany. It has lovely white flowers with a prominent wine red flare on the upper lobe in late May. Particularly hardy with attractive dark green glossy leaves. Height 150cm in 10 years. Recommended for: Tough with dinstinctive flower and great foliage. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden situations. Habit: Dense. Group: Hybrid...
from £24.95
Evergreen Azalea Kermesina Rose AGMEvergreen Azalea Kermesina Rose AGM
Evergreen Azalea Kermesina Rose AGM
Stunning plant with an abundance of pretty rose pink flowers with an unusual white picotee edge. Flowering in mid May and forming a neat dome full of colour. A modern hardy azalea which is becoming very popular and is one of the more hardy of the two-tone varieties. Height 60cm in 10 years. Also known as Kermesinum Rose. Ideal for small gardens and unusual flower. Easy to grow. Group:Evergreen...

Evergreen Azalea Wombat  AGMEvergreen Azalea Wombat  AGM
Evergreen Azalea Wombat AGM
Large bright cerise pink flowers up to 50mm, which are long lasting during June. An excellent hardy introduction from Scotland which forms a neat prostrate low mounded shape. Height and spread of 40-60cm in 10 years. Ideal for rock gardens and cascading over walls and to extend the flowering season. Easy to grow. Group: Evergreen Azalea (nakaharae hybrid). Parentage: nakaharae 'Mariko' X 'Gaiety' Hybridization...
Rhododendron Roseum Elegans
Rhododendron Roseum Elegans
Beautiful lavender flowers fading to pink, with reddish brown spotting. Flowering in late May early June this lovely old hybrid has olive green foliage. It tolerates sun, heat and cold and is a dense and vigorous grower. It is ideal for windbreaks or hedging and screening. Height 180cm in 10 years. Recommended for: Hedging/screening. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden situations. Habit:...
from £33.95

Deciduous Azalea Cannon's Double  AGMDeciduous Azalea Cannon's Double  AGM
Deciduous Azalea Cannon's Double AGM
Deep pink in bud, Cannons Double opens to stunning double light apricot pink flowers with a darker reddish pink shading on the outer petals. The flowers are up to 65mm across in trusses of 7 or 8 that flower late May and early June. It has excellent autumn foliage. Height 150cm in 10 years. Ideal for outstanding autumn foliage. Easy to grow. Group: Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid). Parentage:...
Rhododendron Sun Fire
Rhododendron Sun Fire
(H6) Red in bud, opening to bright orange flowers with yellow centres and stamen. Flowering in mid May with a glowing flame-like appearance this is a tough and floriferous plant with a compact habit. Height 150cm in 10 years. This plant offers a special colour arrangement. The inside of the flower is soft yellow and the outer edge pink-orange. The three upper lobes display interesting deeper golden...

Rhododendron Dufthecke White INKARHO
Rhododendron Dufthecke White INKARHO
Available on the Inkarho rootstock! Intense lilac in bud, opening to creamy-white flowers with a pale rose-lilac edging. The beautifully scented flowers change gracefully to icy white in April-May. It has nice glossy pale green leaves on a plant of neat compact growth. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.This one is ideal for hedging and screening. The German translation is fragrant hedge! Plant with plenty...
Rhododendron Loderi King George  AGMRhododendron Loderi King George  AGM
Rhododendron Loderi King George AGM
One of our favourite Rhododendrons, considered to be one of the best scented hybrids ever. Pink buds open to large trusses of pure white sweetly scented lily-like flowers with faint green markings. Flowering in early May this is a tall growing woodland plant that requires shelter and protection from strong winds. Height 180cm in 10 years. Recommended for: Strongly scented flowers. Plantsman range. Ideal...

Evergreen Azalea Florida  AGM
Evergreen Azalea Florida AGM
This is a popular variety with large deep red hose-in-hose double flowers around 55cm across in May. It is a tough plant with glossy leaves that turn a lovely reddish in autumn and winter. Height 60-75cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens, great autumn foliage. Easy to grow. Group:Evergreen Azalea (kaempferi hybrid). Parentage: Un-named seedling no. 37 G1 X 'Vuyks Scarlet' Hybridization...
Rhododendron Blue PoolRhododendron Blue Pool
Rhododendron Blue Pool
Wonderful funnel-shaped light lavender blue flowers in April - May. This plant has attractive lettuce green leaves in the summer. A slow-growing, dense and compact mounded bush. Height 80-100cm in 10 years, but getting larger in time. Recommended for front of borders, small gardens and raised beds. Easy to grow. Ideal position: most garden situations but avoid too much heat. Habit: dense and...

Rhododendron Orakel INKARHO
Rhododendron Orakel INKARHO
(H7) Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Striking dark purple variety with a distinctive blackberry blotch. A tough variety from Hachmann's Nursery in Northern Germany, flowering in late May-early June, with good winter hardiness. Height 150-175cm in 10 years. Shortlisted for RHS Chelsea Flower Show Plant of the Year, 2016. One of 3 plants entered by Millais Nurseries that reached the top 20...
Rhododendron Gomer Waterer AGM INKARHORhododendron Gomer Waterer AGM INKARHO
Rhododendron Gomer Waterer AGM INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Lovely rosy-lilac buds open to white flowers flushed mauve pink at the edges with a distinctive yellow-brown flare. This plant is a well proven older variety that flowers well in early June. It certainly ranks as one of our favourites and is ideal for hedging and screening. If you have a difficult position this is definitely the plant for you. Vigorous and tolerating...

Evergreen Azalea CoranyEvergreen Azalea Corany
Evergreen Azalea Corany
Delightful smaller rose pink flowers with a darker centre that flowers in May. This is a dense and compact plant with a good habit, with its leaves turning shades of burnt orange and red in the Autumn/Winter. Ideal for front of border or for growing in containers. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders. Easy to grow. Group:Evergreen...
from £16.95
Rhododendron Halfdan Lem  AGMRhododendron Halfdan Lem  AGM
Rhododendron Halfdan Lem AGM
This one is a real stunner! Huge red flowers that have darker spotting that last well in the shade but fade to pink in the sun. Flowering in May it has handsome thick dark leaves and striking red buds in the winter. It has an upright habit and prefers plenty of light. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. Recommended for: Striking flower and red buds. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden situations. Habit:...
from £275.00

Deciduous Azalea Silver Slipper  AGMDeciduous Azalea Silver Slipper  AGM
Deciduous Azalea Silver Slipper AGM
Pink buds open to large white flowers with a prominent yellow orange flare in May - June. A stunning deciduous azalea that has good coppery autumn colour. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. Prefers a fairly sunny position. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid). Parentage: unknown Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1948). Bred by: Exbury. Origin: British. Habit: compact. Ideal position:...
from £24.95
Deciduous Azalea Golden Eagle AGMDeciduous Azalea Golden Eagle AGM
Deciduous Azalea Golden Eagle AGM
A very pretty flower 65 - 75mm across in a domed truss of 10 to 12 flowers that is a strong reddish orange with orange yellow mid-rib and a prominent vivid orange blotch. Flowering in May-June with good bright glossy green leaves. Good autumn leaf colour adds extra interest. Height 150cm in 10 years. Ideal for mixed borders. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid). Parentage:...

Deciduous Azalea Fireball  AGMDeciduous Azalea Fireball  AGM
Deciduous Azalea Fireball AGM
Stunning large deep red flowers with yellow stamens flowering in May - June. This deciduous azalea has fantastic reddish foliage, especially in autumn. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. Recommended for wonderful foliage. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid). Parentage: 'Scarlet Pimpernel' X 'Favor Major' Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1951). Bred by: E. de Rothschild. Origin: British. Habit:...
Rhododendron Happydendron Pushy Purple INKARHO
Rhododendron Happydendron Pushy Purple INKARHO
Launched by us at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, and shortlisted as their Plant of the Year 2019! (H5) Stunning deep reddish purple in bud, opening to pale pink flowers with a prominent green yellow blotch, and feathering to deep mauvey pink edging to the flower. The overall effect is mauvey purple, but really it displays 3 separate and distinct colours. The reddish purple colour fades to mauvey purple,...

Dwarf Rhododendron Ginny Gee  AGMDwarf Rhododendron Ginny Gee  AGM
Dwarf Rhododendron Ginny Gee AGM
One of the best dwarf hybrids ever. Beautiful right pink buds open to blush pink changing to white, that completely hides the foliage. Wonderful floriferous flowering in April on a very dense and very compact plant. Height 40-60cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly if planting in...
Rhododendron Constanze INKARHO
Rhododendron Constanze INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Lovely rose pink flowers, paler in the throat, with wine red spotting on upper lobe. Flowering in late May this is a very hardy plant from Hachmann's Nursery in Northern Germany which grows wider than high. Height 140 -160cm in 10 years. Registered name is Hachmann's Constanze.Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment. Recommended...

Deciduous Azalea Soir de Paris AGMDeciduous Azalea Soir de Paris AGM
Deciduous Azalea Soir de Paris AGM
Delicate and scented purplish pink flowers with an orange blotch and darker lines. Flowering in June, the flowers are up to 50mm in trusses of 7 to 9. An excellent plant with pretty small greyish/blue leaves. Height 120-150cm in 10 years. It prefers a fairly sunny position. Recommended for pretty scented flowers. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (viscosum hybrid). Parentage: viscosum X 'Koster's...
Deciduous Azalea Sun Star
Deciduous Azalea Sun Star
(H6) Glowing dark salmon pink in bud, opening with bright yellow double fragrant flowers, and changing to soft orange in late May. It is a really bright glowing flower, which is followed with good autumn foliage colour. A choice hybrid from Tijs Huisman in Holland. Height 150-175cm in 10 years. Tijs developed this plant by crossing some seedlings made by Fred Minch in USA with R. luteum. Previously...

Deciduous Azalea Chanel
Deciduous Azalea Chanel
(H6) Tubular funnel shaped scented flowers, light yellow suffused pink with a dark yellow blotch. Beautifully scented. Flowering in June with nice autumn foliage. • Recommended for fragrant flowers.• Easy to grow.• Group: Deciduous Azalea• Parentage: viscosum x Mollis hybrid• Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1965).• Bred by: Felix & Dijkhuis Origin: Dutch• Habit:...
Evergreen Azalea Mothers Day  AGMEvergreen Azalea Mothers Day  AGM
Evergreen Azalea Mothers Day AGM
Another one of our favourite plants with dark pink to red hose-in-hose (double) flowers that have a faint brown spotting. It flowers in early to mid May. A very popular and easy growing plant with good glossy foliage. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Also known as 'Muttertag'. A great gift for Mum! Ideal for containers and small gardens. Easy to grow. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Kurume hybrid). Parentage:...

Rhododendron Dopey AGM
Rhododendron Dopey AGM
A deep red yakushimanum hybrid with long-lasting flowers with dark spots in upright firm trusses in May to June. It has a compact habit with dense light green foliage. One of the 'Seven Dwarfs' series of compact growing yakushimanum hybrids. Height 80-100cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Easy to grow. Group: yakushimanum. Parentage: facetum hybrid x Fabia Group X yakushimanum...
Rhododendron Silberwolke  AGM
Rhododendron Silberwolke AGM
Beautiful pinky purple in bud opening to frilled ice-white flowers, spotted yellow green in the throat. This is a stunning plant flowering in late May. It is compact with deep green thick foliage. Height 80-100cm in 10 years. Silberwolke means Silver Cloud and this is another of our favourites. Perhaps a nice Silver Wedding present? Ideal for containers and small gardens. Easy to grow. Group:...
from £18.95

Rhododendron Nova Zembla INKARHORhododendron Nova Zembla INKARHO
Rhododendron Nova Zembla INKARHO
(H6) Deep pink in bud opening to deep pink flowers with darker spotting during late May to early June. These can fade to soft pink in strong sun, so best planted in dappled shade to preserve the colour. Great dark green foliage on a sturdy upright plant. Good for hedging and screening. It is also heat and sun tolerant, and very hardy. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.Plant with plenty of good ericaceous...
Camellia x williamsii 'Ruby Wedding'  AGM
Camellia x williamsii 'Ruby Wedding' AGM
Image supplied and owened by J.Wilson (Strete Gate Camellias) (H5) 'Ruby Wedding' is a dense, evergreen shrub,with glossy, dark green, elliptic leaves and in spring, bright red, anemone to peony-form, double flowers. Vigorous, upright bush. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Suitable for woodland and acidic soils. Position in a site sheltered from cold, dry winds and early morning sun as buds and flowers...
from £29.95

Rhododendron Madame Masson AGM INKARHORhododendron Madame Masson AGM INKARHO
Rhododendron Madame Masson AGM INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! White star-like flowers with a prominent golden yellow blotch, flowering in late May and early June. This is a very old hybrid that is extremely tough, reliable and striking. A dense well shaped plant with shiny dark foliage which is ideal for hedging and screening. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment. Recommended...
Deciduous Azalea Northern Hi LightsDeciduous Azalea Northern Hi Lights
Deciduous Azalea Northern Hi Lights
Yellow buds open in May to beautiful creamy white scented flowers with a prominent bright yellow upper lobe giving a two tone effect. Gorgeous autumn colours. Bred at the University of Minnesota in North America, so it is exceptionally hardy. Height 120 - 150cm in 10 years. Requires a fairly sunny position. Recommended for beautiful scented flowers. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Northern...
from £24.95

Evergreen Azalea Pink Pancake  AGM
Evergreen Azalea Pink Pancake AGM
This gorgeous plant has large pink wavy edged flowers in June-July. A very spreading prostrate plant matching its pancake name! Ideal for baskets, tubs, and raised beds, where it will cascade over the edge. It has stunning large flowers 45mm x 60mm and a creeping habit. 75-90cm spread in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and raised beds. Great to extend the...
from £15.95
Evergreen Azalea Elsie Lee  AGMEvergreen Azalea Elsie Lee  AGM
Evergreen Azalea Elsie Lee AGM
Stunning double lilac-lavender flowers up to 60mm which last well, flowering in late May. A recent introduction and proving very popular, as this is a different colour to most other azaleas. A neat grower with a fairly upright habit, sometimes semi deciduous foliage. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens, makes a real statement! Easy to grow. Group:Evergreen Azalea...

Deciduous Azalea Homebush  AGMDeciduous Azalea Homebush  AGM
Deciduous Azalea Homebush AGM
Extremely attractive double deep carmine pink flowers in a ball-shaped pompom-like truss 30mm across. Flowering May - June this deciduous azalea has good autumn colour. Height 120-150cm in 10 years. Requires a fairly sunny position. Recommended for attractive flowers and autumn leaf colour. Easy to grow. Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid). Parentage: unknown Hybridization date: pre 1950...
Rhododendron Polar Bear
Rhododendron Polar Bear
Icy white and strongly fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers with a light green throat. Flowering in July it has large veined foliage on a fast growing sturdy shrub. It does need some shelter and a warm position. Height 180 cm or more, in 10 years. Rarely available elsewhere, and highly sought-after. Flowering may take up to 10 years Recommended for: Later flowering and scent. Plantsman range. Ideal...

Rhododendron Cunningham's White INKARHORhododendron Cunningham's White INKARHO
Rhododendron Cunningham's White INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Mauve buds open to white flowers with a pale yellow eye in early May. With delicate small flowers, it is a very tough dense plant which is good for screening and difficult positions. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.It certainly ranks as one of our favourites for dense hedging and screening. If you have a difficult position this tough plant will perform well. Plant...
Rhododendron Metallica
Rhododendron Metallica
(H7) Stunning deep violet flowers with a prominent blotch and speckling on the upper lobes, flowering in late May and early June. This is a very hardy plant from Northern Germany, and was bred by Holger Hachmann in 2009. As yet not registered, but also known as Hachmann's Metallica. Height 150-175cm in 10 years. Recommended for: Striking flower.. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden situations. Habit:...
from £24.95

Evergreen Azalea KermesinaEvergreen Azalea Kermesina
Evergreen Azalea Kermesina
Wonderful deep pink small flowers cover the whole plant in May. A very hardy and floriferous plant with a neat compact rounded habit. Height 50-60cm in 10 years. Also known as 'Kermesinum' and 'Pink Kiusianum'. Ideal for small gardens and profusion of flower. Easy to grow. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Northern European hybrid). Parentage: unknown Hybridization date: pre 2000 (registered in 1958...
from £16.95
Rhododendron Tortoiseshell Orange  AGMRhododendron Tortoiseshell Orange  AGM
Rhododendron Tortoiseshell Orange AGM
Very attractive orange-red flowers shaded pink in loose trusses during June. It forms a compact dome shaped plant with attractive glossy leaves. It will perform best in some shade and in a sheltered position. Height 140-160cm in 10 years. Recommended for: gorgeous orange flowers. Plantsman range. Ideal position: Dappled shade, needs careful site selection. Habit: Dense. Group: Hybrid Rhododendron. Parentage:...

Evergreen Azalea HerbertEvergreen Azalea Herbert
Evergreen Azalea Herbert
Reddish purple hose-in-hose (double) flowers with a darker purple blotch and frilled edges. Late May flowering. Attractive pointed and glossy leaves on a dense low spreading plant. A semi evergreen variety which drops its lower leaves in the Autumn/Winter. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Easy to grow. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Gable hybrid). Parentage:...
from £16.95
Rhododendron GoldinettaRhododendron Goldinetta
Rhododendron Goldinetta
(H7) A stunning yellow plant from Hachmann in Germany. It has clear deep yellow flowers without any markings, flowering in May with lovely deep green leaves. A very tough plant that is completely winter hardy in the UK. Height 150cm, spreading a little wider, in 10 years.As with all yellow Rhododendrons, this plant does need good drainage (but not dry conditions). Recommended for lovely yellow flowers...

Rhododendron Sneezy AGM
Rhododendron Sneezy AGM
This plant has very pretty pink flowers with darker edges flowering in late May. One of the more vigorous 'Seven Dwarfs' yakushimanum hybrids, with an upright growing habit. Height 80-100cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Easy to grow. Group: yakushimanum. Parentage: yakushimanum X 'Doncaster' Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1970) Bred by Waterer's Nurseries, Bagshot. Origin:...
from £32.95
Rhododendron Catawbiense AlbumRhododendron Catawbiense Album
Rhododendron Catawbiense Album
(H7) Long lasting white flowers with greenish-yellow speckiling. Late May flowering in a dense truss. A vigorous, very tough old variety, dating from before 1850. Height 175-200cm in 10 years. Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment. Recommended for: Hedging/screening. Easy to grow. Ideal position: Most garden situations. Habit: Dense. Group: Hardy Hybrid. Tolerant...

Dwarf Rhododendron Wee Bee AGMDwarf Rhododendron Wee Bee AGM
Dwarf Rhododendron Wee Bee AGM
Red buds open to pretty rose pink tubular flowers, deeper pink on the outside, with red spotting in April. This is a superb low mounded plant with good foliage and a neat habit. In our opinion this is easily one of the best deep pink dwarf Rhododendrons. Height 30-50cm in 10 years. Raised by Warren Berg in Washington State USA, who was also a keen bee keeper! (See also Ginny Gee and Patty Bee). ...
Rhododendron Azurro INKARHORhododendron Azurro INKARHO
Rhododendron Azurro INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Distinctive frilly edged purple flowers with a darker blotch. This stunner flowers in late May to early June. It is a very tough plant with a great compact habit. We are very keen on this plant because it has proven to be even more reliable than it's parent, Purple Splendour. Height 150cm in 10 years.Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment. Recommended...

Rhododendron Loderi Pink Diamond  AGMRhododendron Loderi Pink Diamond  AGM
Rhododendron Loderi Pink Diamond AGM
Large sweetly scented trusses of rose pink flowers which fade paler, almost to white, and have faint brown markings. Flowering in early May this is a fast growing upright plant needing a sheltered woodland position. Height 180cm in 10 years. Like all Loderi clones, the flowers will fade to white after a few days, but the lovely scent remains. Recommended for: Strongly scented flowers. Plantsman...
from £35.95
Rhododendron Dramatic Dark
Rhododendron Dramatic Dark
(H6) Dark violet flowers, with purple shades in centre, a black blotch, and contrasting white stamens on a tight rounded truss in late May. A compact well branched plant. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. The fascination of this new rhododendron comes from the perfectly shaped deep dark violet flowers with purple violet centre and a black eye. The roundish truss has more than 20 open funnel-shaped flowers...
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